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The day drags on just as any other. My plan is to simply make it through all my assigned classes and spend a relaxed weekend with Klary- as relaxed as it can get.

I sit in my last class, American History, impatiently tapping my pencil against my desk. Five, four, three, two.. One! The bell finally rigs. I gather my books, and jolt up out of my seat.

Just as I'm about to turn to head out, I'm approached by Kevin and Derek. Shit.

"Bro," Kevin nods as he smacks a hand onto my shoulder.

"'Sup?" I boredly greet them.

"We've noticed you've been hanging with uh- Klary a lot lately." Derek says her name in a state of disgust.

"Yeah, so?" I shrug, walking past them. We enter the main hallway of the school.

"Dude, listen, we know she may be, like, special or something to you, but she's still CrazyCase Klary." Kevin catches up with me.

I stop dead in my tracks. "Don't," I look him dead in the eye, "call her that."

"Everyone calls her that." Kevin says.

"Does it look like I'm fucking everyone? She has a name." I growl to my supposed 'friend'.

"Calm down, dude, just hear us out." Derek tries to get me to listen. "Klary's known as the schools biggest freak-"

"You want me to fucking listen to this?" I raise an eyebrow at the two boys speaking to me.

"Yes, just keep listening-"

"No," I shake my head and start to walk away when I get pulled back.

"Listen!" Kevin raises his voice. "CrazyCase Klary, isn't some fucking pet name we gave her. She got it because she's a depressed, bipolar freak." He spits. We begin to gather a crowd of pupils.

"Watch your mouth-" I warn him before getting cut off.

"If you want to have a thing for a self mutilating, anxiety filled bitch, then by all means, go the fuck ahead," Kevin comes close to me so other students can't listen in, "but don't forget you're also going to be plummeting your social status."

"You're an asshole," I grumble.

"An asshole who cares about his own social face." He replies.

In anger, I make a beeline right out of school, completely forgetting about Klary. In a matter of ten minutes, I get home and throw my bag against the couch letting out a loud-much-needed-shout.

I go into the kitchen, trailing a bad mojo behind me as I go.

"That asshole," I grumble, opening up the fridge, "thinking he could just call Klary a bitch," I slam the fridge back shut, "who the fuck does he think he is?!" Okay. Note to self; don't talk to aloud when you're alone.

I stomp back into the living room and up the stairwell, heading into my room. I plop onto my head and rest my hands in my head.

Minutes pass in silence until I hear the front door open. No shouting, so it's not my brothers. Klary.

She slowly opens my bedroom door, peeking her head in, "Mind if I come in?" She softly asks. I don't reply with anything but a shrug, "I heard a few students saying that you had an argument with Kevin and Derek." She cautiously enters my room.

"It was nothing to concern yourself over." I rudely reply, leaving my room, having her follow behind.

"It's something if it's gotten you so upset," she follows me as I descend the stairs.

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