After Battle

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Spoilers for chapter 266 and maybe some others.
Read at you're own risk.

Okay here we go.

He looked at himself in the mirror. The burn that crossed over his face as he reached over his hand over his burn. His wings twitched when he touched to burn and, he stumbled back. He had bags over his eyes and, he was tired but he couldn't sleep. Not ever since he killed Twi- No. Jin. He missed the scent of the raven. The smokey smell mixed in with brunt but, with a hence of lavender. The smell that he needed so much. The smell that he loved. He opened the door and, landed on to the bed. He could smell him barley. He needed to smell him. He couldn't even tell him that he was going to be a father. Instead. He came home with that burn mark on his face. He silently cried into a pillow. Trying to be happy but, he could never. He wanted to wake up. Wake up right next him. Hug him tight and, show him love. All that he had now. Was nothing. Only the child that he would soon bare was a memory of him. But he would love them no matter what. He would never love anyone romantically like Dabi. No matter what.

His wings twitched again when he heard a ding from his phone.
He grabbed his phone and, looked at it happily grabbed it. Hopefully. Please! But like always. It was no one important. It was his boss just texting him to get back to work. Maybe he should? No he has to. He's the No.2 hero. He looked down at the message that said he had an hour to get to patrol. He sighed and, finally wiped the tears off his face. He grabbed his hero suit and put it on slowly. The burns slightly still on it mixed in with ash. He would keep it like that so he could smell the raven no mater what. He grabbed a old pair of goggle's and, put them on then he remembered his face. He hadn't told anyone. Maybe cover it..? He grabbed some bandages then put them over his burn on his eye. Yeah people would ask him but, he would never tell. He walked towards the door and, opened the door. The breeze that went though him and, the wings made him feel free. But he knew he wasn't. He would never be free. Nor would have Another Chance with Dabi he had that chance.

That was his only chance and, now when he bore his child. The Commission would probably take them like they took him. He sighed once more. If he had taken the offer. They could've lived free. And their child would be free. But now they wouldn't. He closed the door behind him and, locked the door. Raising his wings to where the air met his wings and, took off. Air in his face and, his wings as he felt calm and lonely. Some people noticed his wings and, he heard chatters as he landed on a building. Finally their "hero" was back. Back to save them. He had around 20 more minutes but, still. He had to get back to work and, hide his face? And now he was going back. Slowly he raised his wings again and, took off.
Time skip since idk what to do here

Finally he could return home. Wait.. It was Tuesday which meant by the time he got home news reporters would heard to his apartment to ask questions. Both people and heros had
Already asked questions about his face and, where he went.

He responded to none of them even when asked to. He never could until he wanted to finally say. He flew on top of a building near the apartment when he heard a wind that brought a smell of smoke. Dabi. Tears formed in his eyes as he began to fly towards it. "Dabi." He said. "Dabi!" He cried into the air some people below looking at him hearing the words as he landed. He heard something. "Dabi?!" He shouted. Nothing. The smell was around 20 minutes old. If he had been faster he could've seen him. If only he had Another Chance. He looked around seeing a pile of ash but, did nothing. He just put his back to the alley and, covered his face with his wings and began to cry.

Welp here you are with the first chapter.
Sorry if it's bad but, here ya go!

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