No Turning Back

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He has spent the last couple of hours in his house really doing nothing. He was just there waiting maybe doing some work but, waiting around mostly. He didn't have to really go into work but, he did have to do his patrol for that night. He was already ready to go for that night when he grabbed his keys for the apartment. His keys had a smell on them a smell that he couldn't place his hand on. A smell of copper and, posion were on the keys. A smell that made him recoil from them as he sighed. He'll put some spray on it later on when he comes back home. He opened the door, closed it, locked it, and stretched his wings then took off into the skies.

Like four hours later.

The night had been simple only a couple people out. Nothing even that bad which made him feel calm for the time being. He was just walking in his area sometimes flying though the air looking for anything suspicious. Why had everything been really boring for him? Wait, no he should be glad for that. For alot of reasons really. He put his hand though his hair and, took off into the skies landing on a building. It was calm till the smell of blood and cinnamon filled the air. He raised his wings and began to fly towards the area where the smell was coming from. He landed slightly near by making sure to be silent with his footsteps till he heard a laugh. "How much for this information?" Said one of the voices. "Bringing down the No.2 and, releasing these to the public."Said another. "You bet this'll cost you guys but, with this body."Said the voice with a kick. "I'll lower the price just for you." Said the voice with a dry laugh. Slowly he floated one of his feathers towards the back on one of them and, Slam. They fell towards the floor as the other man flinched. "The hell-" He was cut off as he to fell towards the floor. He looked at the two men before seeing a small USB drive and, a bag. He picked up USB and, put it in his pocket and began to walk towards the bag. It smelled of blood and, poppies with a mix of honey. Slowly he reached out to open the bag to find only a torso. He recoiled as he covered his nose with the strong scent filling the alley. He slowly looked around the alley looking for rope or anything like that.

After a couple minutes of looking he found some rope and, began to walk back towards the men on the ground.
He slowly ties their hands with it and, put them against the walls of the alley.
Slowly he picked up the bag and, put it over his shoulder which only brought back memories. Memories of the one he killed but, he shook his head looking towards the ground. He looked at the two men, they would be out for a while. So he grabbed one of them and, proceeded to drag him. This was the one that was selling and, he thanked the gods the police station was nearby. After around 17 minutes it was in sight and, thankfully one was outside. "Hawks what happened?"They asked him as he let the man go and, put the bag down. "Murder this is..."He stopped. Whatever information they had on him could ruin his name. "This guy wanted this man dead."He said trying to pick up his voice. "Take him in and, call someone to help with the body."He said as he raised his wings. "What a-about you?"They asked with a studder. "Theirs another one I'll be back don't worry!"He called out as he began to fly back towards the alley. Around 7 minutes later he finally landed picking up the man. It was pretty easily said that these two we're in on the murder of whoever's torso was in the bag. Slowly he took back to the skies trying to go fastly back to the station. It was faster this time as he landed with more people outside waiting for him. "Hawks explain what happened inside."Said a voice that started to pull him inside as he dropped the man. The man was saying things but he tunes it out till he was told to sit down.

"What happened exactly?"They asked looking right into his eyes. "Its simple sir. I was out on patrol smelt blood went over and, found out what happened."He said as calmly as he could while the man glared at him. "Is that all Hawks?"He asked with venom in his voice. "Why would I lie sir?"He said with a small chuckle. The man let out a small growl as he began to stand up. "Is that all or can I leave?"He asked looking at the man. The man signaled he could go as he began to leave. He slowly stepped outside of the station looking at the time. 4:17AM which meant his shift was over as he began to take off once again. He stayed silent on his flight as slowly he saw his apartment in sight and, landed. He relaxed his wings as he grabbed his keys and, started to walk towards his door opening it. He went in, closed it, then locked it behind him as he sighed into the couch. Then he remembered the USB and, instantly stood up running towards his room. He looked towards his desk where his desktop was and, sighed sitting down in the chair. Slowly he grabbed the USB from out his pocket and, put it in. With the tapping of his foot and, the emptiness of silence it all made him worried. Till the notification came that he could open it. Slowly he opened it seeing only one thing. His own face looking back towards himself with information that should've been burned.

Pro Hero Hawks
Real name- Keigo Takami
Age- 24
Gender- Male

Was that all or- no their was a audio file..? Slowly he clicked it putting his volume up.

"Hot stuff c'mon we haven't done it in weekssss... And I'll give you information~" Said a voice that he knew was his. "You sure birdie? Or..are you just acting like this for information hero." Said a voice with venom that he knew to well. "I'm a traitor Dabi. I killed "him" for you guys already. And I like what we have going." Said the voice. "Fine but, not here birdie."Said the voice again as footsteps were heard.

That was audio from at least a month or two ago that made him shiver. Of course that could've brought him down as he began to scroll through the pictures. The pictures we're of him and, Dabi but with dates underneath. Some we're just the two of them talking in a alley with audio of their conversations and, others were. Pictures of him and Dabi going at it. Some we're blurred which made him feel embarrassed that he wasn't careful. No wonder he was selling this. Take down a hero. That was their motive but, this was one USB. There could be others he thought as he turned off his computer. He was a idiot for this. This could've been avoided but, there's No Turning Back.

Slowly after taking off all of his hero clothes and, changing into something else he fell onto his bed. Slowly darkness overtook him as he felt his whole body on fire. He yelled in pain with tears in his eyes he knew what this was. It was the fight. During the fight he had asked who Dabi was. The thing is. His ears had popped so whatever he had said went though him but, he heard one thing. Todoroki. Then darkness over took the ground and, everything in sight. He walked around but, nothing was there. Slowly he slipped onto the cold floor his wings twitching as he let out a sob. This whole thing was his fault and, that name. Why would he be apart of that family. The same as Fuyumi? He saw there sobbing into his wings wanting to go back but, he could never. He felt the pain of his past and, present colliding as he fell into darkness. Then it faded away. Finally all he felt was nothing. Then just like that. He fell into a dream of emptiness.

That ending sucked but, mn. Hope you liked it and, had to do some improvising on the fight. So lets just say his ears popped and, he couldn't hear well. I guess??

Word count: 1465

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