I'm Here

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Note: In this story Rumi doesn't lose her arm but, she does still have scars from the battle.

How long was he in that alley? That alley where someone was brunt to ashes but, he couldn't care. All he did was cry out in pain smelling the scent of the male that was fading. Finally he stood up his face still puffy from the tears and, then shook his wings. I silence passed as he began to rise into the air silently and, then flew back towards his apartment. He landed on the building that was close to it and, stayed silent. Some people we're still there likely to ask him questions about what had happened.

Around the time sunset had came they had finally left and, he was free to land. Quickly grabbing his key and opening then closing the door then locking it he sighed deeply. He could barley smell him but, with the alley way his scent still existed. He looked around unknowing of what to do till ding his phone rang. He picked it up. Rumi? I thought she was in the hospital. Unless they already let her out. He thought as he opened the message.

Rumi: Guess who's out of the hospital finally?
Keigo: You I guess?
Rumi: Yep finally. Only have some scars from the battle but, good as new!
Keigo: Let me guess. You want to come over?
Rumi: Yes you chicken. Please?
Keigo: Fine but, no questions to many questions today
Rumi: Yeah I saw don't worry. I'll be there in 15
Keigo: Cya then Rumi

So he had about 15 minutes till Rumi made it to his house. His apartment was in a messy place at the moment as he began to clean and, move things around. After 12 minutes it now looked decent and, he sighed getting ready for her arrival. Three minutes later he heard a knock on the door and, opened it. There she stood with a smile on her face looking right at him. "Haven't seen ya in a while huh?"She said hugging him as he hugged her back. "You good after that battle?"He asked pulling back. "Of course! No need to worry about me!"She exclaimed as she walked inside. Hawks closed the door behind him locking the door looking back at her.

She sat down on the couch waiting for him to join her as he sat next to her. "How bout' you. The media's been pretty "excited" with you're return."She said looking at him. "I'm good don't worry one bit. Heh. Anyways-"He was cut off by Rumi. "That's weird for you."She said looking at him. "Huh?" He said tilting his head. "The smell of ash, coal, and brunt is kinda on you."She said looking at him. "Oh probably j-just some random smell I got on me. Don't worry."He said with a fake laugh as she kinda looked confused. "You can talk to me if you need to."She said patting his back. "I know Rumi don't worry."He said looking at her. "Good don't forget I'm here as you're best friend."

She said with a smile that he smiled back to. "Don't worry Im Here." She said with a bigger smile. He let out a chuckle and, began to smile to. "So have you talked to the girl at that works part-time at the flower shop and, at the school?"He said with a chuckle. "Which one?" She said looking at him. "The one with turquoise eyes, snow white hair, crimson red bangs, glasses, and a kind smile."He said in a sly voice as she blushed. "Good she's so nice. I might trade you in for her."She said with a laugh. "What's her name c'mon tell me"He said smirking a little. "Her name is Fuyumi Todoroki and, she's 23."She said proudly. Where had he heard that name?. He let out a chuckle. "I think you should go for it"He said patting her back. "Soon. I want to learn more about her. Even though I know tons. Still."She said shaking her head.

"Good at least you're learning more about her." He said popping his neck. "Respect women juice is what I drink" Rumi said clapping softly. The rest of the night wes full of talking, stories, jokes, and movies. The next day he woke up at 6:17 AM Rumi was still sleeping on the couch with.. A bag on her head.?
He thought as he walked over taking it off. He needed to shower so he grabbed his hero suit and towel and, put it in the restroom then locked the door and, began to shower. The smell of Dabi was fading as he took the shower but, he needed to. If he really wanted to he could go back to the alley where is scent might be. After brushing his teeth, washing his body, and everything else he began to change into his outfit. Something pained at his chest and, he leaned over with a whimper. Slowly he opened the toilet and, began to throw up. Right after I brushed my teeth.. He stopped and, went back to brush his teeth the feeling of sickness still on him slightly.

He opened the door seeing Rumi on the couch waiting for him to come out. "You got work at 8 right?"She said looking at him. "Yeah like always." He responded grabbing his keys. "I'll cya at 9 then!" She said hugging him again. "Remember if you need to talk. I'm Here." She said in a calm voice letting him go waving bye. He closed the door then locked it and, stretched out his wings and, took off though the air. A slight smile on his face as the day way pretty much normal. At 10 PM he had a life interview that somewhat made his mad and, instead of going to it right at 10. He was making them wait as he needed to smell Dabi or get the smell on him. He sighed as he finally left finally flying to where he was supposed to be. Yeah he was late but, who cares? Finally after he got in and, everyone was in place it started. Till the questions started. Not the normal ones. The personal ones. "Anyways Hawks. People have been asking why have you been wearing bandages over you're face, ever since you're return." He asked as his wings twitched. "I would like to pass the question. Only one person knows but, heh. Not even the No.5 knows."He responded as calmly as he could as he sighed. "We got another question. Yesterday there we're reports if you flying to a alley crying something out. People are saying it was a name. Any comment?" He asked looking at him. "No. Sorry but, no."Hawks said with a sigh as time ran out. After saying goodbye and, flying home he felt calm. He walked into his house seeing a small note.

I made you some homemade chicken all for you. ~Rumi
P.S sorry if it's burnt.

He chuckled as he went to the counter where it was till. Crash! Something broke in his house as the smell of flame and lavender entered his nose. He didn't move as footsteps began to come around. Till he saw him it was-

Aye cutoff
Once again sorry if it sucks.

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