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I couldn't move
I couldn't talk
I couldn't do anything as I saw the raven there. Right before me. I wanted to scream his name and, cry into his arms. I wanted him to Stay. All I could do we're let tears fall from my eyes. As he saw the raven walk closer towards him with an unreadable expression on his face. He had so much to tell him. Things he had to tell him. ""He finally said in a high pitched voice. "The little bird can finally talk. Eh."He said looking at him right at him. "Seems you're taking the burn in a way."He said touching the bandages that covered the burn. "You're still scared. I can tell it 'hero'."He said with a smirk. "Surprised you're feather's grew back in only about a week or two."He said letting go. The smell from the male filled his room which made him want to sink into it. "Y'know little bird. There's a bounty for you're head. They want you alive."He said tapping his foot. "Tell me little bird. Why shouldn't I just take you for them to torture?"He said grabbing his chin and, pulling him close. "And tell me the truth." He said with a slight growl. "A-at least...kill me in 8 m-months."He said twitching his wings. Why couldn't he use his feathers. Was he scared.? "Why 8? Why not 7 or 6?"He said letting him go.

He wanted to say the words. Why couldn't he. He opened his mouth but, nothing came out. Why couldn't he say the words. "Guess you're scared to even tell me. Eh?"He said pushing him back into the counter. It hurt him slightly but, he didn't make any sound he just stared up at him. The raven began to turn his back but, he grabbed his hand softly. "Stay please.."He said in a quite voice holding his hand. "Little bird. Why would I after what you did to him a person I trusted oh so much."He said pushing him back harshly with a snarl.

He let out a whimper and dropped to the floor as he heard the footsteps walking away. The smell fading away as it finally left. Leaving the old smell there. Leaving him to cry softly. He wanted to get up but, he couldn't. He knew they could never go back. He could never be free after what he did. But in his eyes. He wasn't a hero. To him he seemed more like a Villain which made his tears stop. He couldn't just switch sides all do suddenly. Not yet. He couldn't. Nor for his child. He finally stood up grabbed the food and, walked to his room. He opened the door and, placed the chicken on the bed then walked out again. He looked at the window which was broken and, he sighed. He grabbed duct tape and, began to put it on the window. After wards he closed the curtain and, returned to his room. He locked the door and, slowly began to eat the food. It was good but, he couldn't do anything. He was still scared. When he was done he threw it in the trashcan and, finally went to take a shower.

Afterwards he just feel into a dreamless sleep filled of only black. The next day he woke up and, today was his day off. Finally he sighed as he got up to take a shower. He felt the normal morning sickness then went to brush his teeth. He put on a black shirt, red jacket, and some blue pants. He put on his shoes and, grabbed his keys. Maybe he could go to Rumi's place? He grabbed his phone and, began to text her.

Keigo~ Rumi you doing anything today?
Rumi~ No only a guest is over why?
Keigo~ Can I come over to your place today?
Rumi~ Of course Keigo you don't need to ask!
Keigo~ Thanks Rumi cya in 20

He chuckled a bit as he put his phone back into his pocket. Slowly he stretched his wings out then took a quite route. Around after getting to the city he landed putting his hood up. No one looked at him even glanced which made him smirk. If people looked at the people around them. They could tell right from wrong and, help someone. But they can't do those who suffer change. No wonder Villains exist and, are in pain..

He thought till someone looked at him. The person was wearing a jacket and, he saw weird skin like scales then they turned away disappearing in the crowd. Then he realized he said that out loud. Now he looked like some sort of Villain and, he realized a couple more we're looking at him. He let out a growl and, began to walk faster. Till he heard someone following him and, that made him feel strange. He began to run which was a bad idea as more people looked at him. He didn't care he just had to get away into a alley of sorts. Finally he saw the person who was chasing him a little bit. He didn't know what to do till he saw a alley. He had to run a bit more then he could fly across the buildings. Then he began to run for real pushing people as he ran sliding into the alley, letting his wings sprout as he landed in the top of the building. He panted a little as he saw the person looking in the alley slowly he heard their steps walking away as he sighed.
Slowly he would glide or fly from rooftop to roof.

After 7 minutes of that Rumi's place was in sight. He let out a sigh of relief and, landed walking towards her place. Finally he knocked on her door waiting for her to answer. Slowly footsteps headed towards the door but, someone not Rumi opened the door. They had snow white hair, crimson red bangs, pale skin, turquoise eyes, and glasses. "Fuyumi?"He said quitetly as she looked at him. "Keigo?" She said tilting his head. "Fuyumi!" He said hugging the girl happily. As she hugged him back. "You never came back after..." She cut herself off. "I couldn't after what happened to him.. I felt.. responsible" He said with a deep sigh as he walked in. She closed then locked the door walking next to me. "Anyways... Where's Rumi?" He asked sitting down. "She's grabbing a movie."She responded with a smile. He let out a chuckle as he heard her footsteps walking towards them. "How are you to doing!"She said with a smile. Hugging them tight. "Anyways you two met I believe?"She said sitting next to Fuyumi. "Long ago!~" He said in a musical voice. Which made them chuckle. Then he felt weird. Oh shit. He said as he dashed off towards the restroom. He heard them confused as they followed him. "Aye. Keigo are you okay?"Rumi asked sitting next to him. "Give me a sec.." He just leaning over the toilet. "Sorry but-." He said finally throwing up. He sighed back as it finally finished. Rumi stared at him as he said. "You got mouth wash?"He said as she nodded getting help holding out her hand. He took it and got up getting a small cap of it then spitting it out.

"Keigo what was that about?"She said using a loud voice as he kinda stepped back. "Don't make up lie to Keigo."She said looking at him. I never thought of telling anyone. But Rumi has a hate for the HC. Maybe I could tell her. I can tell her. She's my best friend. He looked up at her with a hitch of worry. Not yet at least. "I've been feeling sick is all."He said calmly. "Oh makes since. Want some medicine?"She asked her voice calming down. "No I'm good."He said shaking his head. Soon they all went back to sit down and, relax. "Anyways what movie you got Rumi?"He asked looking at her. "It's call UnRavel. It's about this romance between a hero and, a Villain."She said with a smile as Fuyumi nodded. Ironic. He thought remembering all that happened. "Sounds interesting."He said looking up. "I'll go get the snacks!"Rumi said standing up then running towards her kitchen. "Fuyumi?"He said looking at her. "Yeah?" She said looking at him. "How did you meet Rumi? He asked with a small smile. "She was at work. Then she was kinda looking at me then. She hit a pole."She said with a chuckle. He started to laugh a little to hard then stopped. "Then after that I helped her up and, it went from there."She said with a smile. "How did you meet Rumi?"She asked looking at him. "We had to team up once. And we had a contest and, I won. Then she kicked me in the stomach. Heh"He said with a chuckle. She giggled and spoke. "Seems like her. After the Nomu battle. She's been really protective of me."She said with a faint blush as Rumi began to walk towards them. "Tis is I!"She said placing the snacks down on the table. She went to grab the T.V and, began to put it on.

The movie was yes cheesey. Almost as cheesey as the shredded cheese in the fridge. (Yeah I called myself out who cares ) In the end it was a decent movie. It wasn't as bad as that one movie he saw long ago. He looked over at Rumi and Fuyumi who we're both sleeping. He awed at it before taking out his phone and, snapping a picture. He sighed into the couch. What else could he do. Nothing really. He had explored her house before and, gotten kicked because of it. So that was off of the list so he grabbed his phone again and, opened it. He realized. Right there and then. When t reached three months. It'd become noticeable and, he couldn't just run away. Could he? He began to open a new tab and, looked up if anything like this had ever happened. He got one for a pro named 'Tiruth' who got pregnant and, hid it for as long as they could. After people began to notice they we're put off of work to relax till the child was born. He couldn't do that and, if he did. The commission would take them which brought up even more problems. Maybe he could pay them not to tell then disappear? Who knew till then. His wings twitched a little bit due to the fact he was worried about everything. He glanced at the time. Maybe he should- No. He couldn't after yesterday. He could just sleep on the couch. Or the floor. He grabbed a pillow he was using and, fell onto the floor wrapping himself with the jacket. It was warm and, calmed him down as he could finally rest. Slowly his eyes closed and, once again he fell into a dreamless sleep.

Look at that another chapter that probably sucks. Anyways cya next time

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