Our End, And Our Equinox

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'Oh how long till the spring comes by now?
Oh how long till I am found as a glass being
Oh how long I wanted to be in the light
A angel infected by a demon
Oh may our new life lead the way for redemption
Oh my sins burn me down
I'll be left to the sands of time
Forget my name
Forget my life
Do not forget my children though.
That is my wish.
Don't forget that.

We're the words written into a black leather book. All the pages burned or mostly ripped off. The words had dept but, all knew who wrote within. People confused and concerned. All wondering.


Fear that struck within his body.
Fear of the people finding out, why are the people always horrible?
So much in one person's mind? Isn't it that simple to break?
Of course he was breaking
What'd he expect?
A simple happy life?
Of course not.
That was not his life
That was a dream.
Dreams never come true
That's the truth

As a soft ripple went though his throat he slumped to the ground of his room. The cold wooden floor that felt of winter.
The more he looked down
The more he felt like drowning
His ears buzzed
Jaw hurt
Eyes wet
Hands bruised
Legs and feet also bruised
All of it hurting
Mentally and physically
But he had to protect just like his instincts said
They all yelled RUN, RUN, RUN, RUNAWAY. He couldn't though
He never could not could he make himself
Help, help, help , help
He told himself inside but couldn't move a muscle.
Oh wings of greatness that we're burned and broken
To fly is something he hates
Nothing will ever happen here
Not in this home of brokenness and sadness

This wouldn't be a happy end where two people get back and, fall in love.
After a couple minutes the male stood up drooping his wings to the ground.
The notebook had been written. He couldn't bring himself to look. His anger burst out as he grabbed a lighter and, threw said book on the ground. Throwing the lighter next.
It was all clear in his mind now. He took his money and, bags with few things then began to fly away into the deep night. Rain made it hard to fly but he had to fly. Where am I going? Why I'm I flying? What have I done? Help, help, help, help, HELP ME PLEASE?
Then it all stopped.
He reached above the clouds only to meet the stars and, moon.
He'd never seen this.
Stars all around him.
He could see colours
Black, deep purple, a dark pink, and mixes of whites and grey's.
The night is truly beautiful.
Is it not?
He flew till the night ended and, landed in a forest. Where was he?
He didn't care till he saw a small cabin.
It looked years old but, he knew what to do.
A new start wasn't it?


Seven years later

The story been told, Hawks a fake hero.
That's the end of it.
The apartments lit in flames that night, no one dying.
Only the notebook was left behind and, left them to question.
The villain Shigaraki was found and, was sent to Tartarus.
Toga disappeared before they could capture her.
Twice killed by Hawks.
Dabi was caught and, was nearly send to Tartarus. In the end they put him under house arrest and, under watch. The world also found his name to be Touya Todoroki.
Endeavor? Dead, killed in the battle with Shigaraki
Spinner? Same as Toga
Geten? Dead
Mr. Compass? Same date as Dabi.
As for Hawks?
He went missing within the flames.


Touya Todoroki POV

His scars, faded.
His black hair, gone.
Replaced with red.
Where was he?
In the mountains near the shore.
A small town near the shore.
A tunnel connected the town to the outside world.
A cell tower greeted him the moment he entered the town. Twenty minutes of farm later, he was in the town.
It was a six hour drive from a real city and, the town wasn't known.
Why was he here?
Something called to him and, yelled at him.
After a day in the town he explored the mountains and, the woods till.
"Someone's here.!"
Yelled a squeaky voice as he heard the fluttering of wings and, leaves in the trees.

Almost instantly he saw a small boy with red hair, blond bangs, blue eyes mixed with yellow, two feathers above his head that we're yellow, red marks on his face, and red feathers mixed with red. This sent off a feeling as he began to follow the boy without knowing.
After around five minutes he stopped when he saw a small cabin.
The boy looked back at him with a smile and, the yellow feathers above his head twitched.
"Hi, hello!" The boy said happily walking up towards him.
It took him a minute before saying.
"Hello... Kid..?" He said looking at him.
The kid's smile faded when he heard the wind above him move. He looked up only to see.. A red feather?
Above his head pointed right at him.
"Get out of here." Growled a voice from the cabin.
The voice sounded rich.
It sounded like he knew said voice.
A figure stood out from the window in the cabin and, there he was.
A blond man stood there. Red wings huge and, ruffed.
No one could ever fit the man.
He knew who it was
Keigo Tamaki
He moved forward, the feather moved closer.
Before he yelled.

"Keigo Tamaki!" He said with a snarl as the man flinched and, the feather went back to him.
He went silent.
"I shouldn't be here should I?" He said looking down.
"You shouldn't." He growled back at him.
"Don't even say my name..." The man hissed and, he understood.
"I have no right here and, I know that.." He said looking at him.
"At least tell me.. is he-"
"Equinox is OUR son." He said quietly but, he heard.
"Im sorry." He mumbled before he heard a growl.
" You're sorry?! "
He growled at him.
"For what? Burning my wings, almost killing our child, leaving me with demons, BEING A MONSTER?" The man yelled at him.
He didn't even let him speak
"LEAVE NOW.!" The man cried out at him and, he stood still.
He's the problem.
But he still wanted to fix it.
"Im sorry for everything. Im sorry for it all but, my words can never fix your pain. That I understand but I want to set it right before OUR END comes."
He yelled back.
"OUR END is soon and, I know that..." He said.
"OUR END, AND OUR EQUINOX. Is our legacy." He said to him walking closer and, closer before he hugged him though the window. "Together we can fix this." He mumbled to the man.
The men stood hugging while the small boy was confused.
"Im sorry... For everything.." Keigo said softly.
"... I... I am too" He mumbled as Keigo nodded.
With a silence of understanding between the two they both spoke.
"Can I fix what we broke?"
And then they stopped and, nodded.
"Fix my seven years without you in seven days..." Keigo mumbled before leading them inside.

This shall be our legacy



Words: 1441

Wow look at that guys YOU GOT THE GOOD ENDING. Tbh I was gonna make it Dabi left Keigo in the forest and shsjsjsjsjjs you get it?
Okay now leave me be and, I shall write JJBA stories 😔
Hope it wasn't shitty and fuck
Anyways my next story isn't MHA So sorry. But here take the story it's about by the description I wrote

"A rich family who let go of their child for a devouring incident
A family that broke their child before they learned empathy
A poor family who's mixed love lead to a hybrid who saw the slow death of their mother
A family who left their child behind to rot like trash
A family in which one died and the other hated the existence of his own blood
The young owner of a school takes the children in overtime and, along with others with strange pasts
To them it doesn't matter, he tries his best. Deep down he knows, he can't fix them.
They need someone else to help them."

Boom that's the description. Read it if ya want and, shit I'll be happy cuz it's something I like so thanks for sticking with me and this retarded story.
- Mista_Kinnie

Also art

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