Part 8

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"And now we'll steal us a car. And we will drive to the stars....." We had worked all day. Not stopping at all to have a break. But now the rest of us got a break whilst Zayn and Harriet worked on his solo. He was trying to woo her by the punch bowl.

I was watching by the sidelines when I felt two strong hands pull my waist and turn me around. I came face to face with Harry's green eyes.

"I forgot to tell you before, but you look beautiful," he whispered. I locked my hands behind his neck and he wrapped his around my waist.

"And I must say, you look very handsome in a bow tie," I said. He just gave me his signature smile as I buried my head into his shoulder. The music started up again and they started recording, as Harry started to sway slightly to the music. Were we dancing? We stayed like that for ages, swaying back and forth as I ran my hand through his curls. I hope I haven't messed them up even more. Then we heard someone shout

"Hey you two, save it for the video," Ben gave us a huge smirk and we walked back over to him.

I rubbed the last bit of my makeup off as I heard a knock on my dressing room door. Harry was stood on the other side, with his tie around his neck and his shirt untucked. He was also holding a big bunch of flowers. I let him in and put the flowers in a vase.

"Ben said you did really well today, and that you're a natural. He wants to work with you again sometime." Harry told me as he sat down beside me. I was gobsmacked. He looked at my expression and laughed.

"I told you you'd be good at this!"

"I'm glad you made me do it, I enjoyed myself," I replied.

"So did I" he said whilst looking into my eyes. "They are green today," he suddenly whispered. I looked closer at him. "How about now?" I asked.

"Wait... Now they're blue! How do you do that?" he exclaimed.

"Magic," I said with a wink.

I walked out of my dressing room with Harry and we bumped straight into Niall.

"Hey Sarah you did great," he said, "we're all going back to the flat for abit of a celebration, so you want to come?" he asked. I looked up at Harry and he had a special gleam in his eye. He nodded his approval. I looked back at Niall and gave him a massive smile, saying sure. We got driven back to the hotel with the boys and the girls from the shoot. When we got there, there was millions of fans outside. All the boys got out of the car but I held back, nervous about what people might think. Harry looked back into the car, grabbed my hand and pulled me outside. I knew he couldn't make our feelings for each other public so he grabbed my elbow and steered me towards the door of the hotel quickly.

The fans started grabbing my clothes and shouting in my face. I heard one girl shout "Ugly bitch!" I felt tears sting my eyes. Harry stopped abruptly. He turned and faced the girl who'd shouted at me.

"No fan of mine calls the people I care about," he said slowly. The girl looked at me in the face and said she was sorry. Harry squeezed my arm and started to pull away again. Once we'd got inside his room, tears were falling down my face. Harry embraced me hard, running his fingers through my hair.

"I'm sorry," he kept saying over again. "It'll be alright."

Please let me know what you think, and vote and things, I'm pretty new to this :)

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