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----Two weeks later-----

"Come and sit down!" Harry shouted to me from the living room of his house. I spent most of my time here now anyway, so I was in the kitchen getting a snack. It was the preview of the Stand Up video that I was in, so I was quite nervous. I wouldn't know how people would react. I'd gotten mixed reactions off the fans when they found out me and Harry are together. Some say that it was fault that Harry and Lara's relationship failed and some called me stupid names. But for every negative comment I got, there were five or six nice ones, telling me they liked me and thought I was pretty. I ignored the negative comments because Harry taught me to love who I am and not to care what people think of me.

I ran into the living room and saw Harry sprawled on the leather couch in front of the TV. "Move!" I shouted to him, laughing. He sat up and grabbed my waist, pulling me onto him. And from there we got ourselves comfortable as the music video started and I took a deep breath in.

The music started and there the boys were in their gorgeous suits. It panned across all the girls and stopped on a girl in a green dress. I couldn't believe it was me. The girl looked stunning; she stood out amongst all the others.

"That's what you look like to me, you shine against the rest," I heard Harry say. He grabbed my hand and dragged me up off the sofa. He pulled at my belt loops making me walk closer to him. Then he laid his hands on the small of my back. I laced my arms around the back of Harry's neck. The video was still playing in the background but we weren't watching it. We watched each other’s eyes and the way they sparkled.

"You still haven't told me what colour your eyes are, are they green or blue?" he asked.

"It depends on how I'm feeling," I replied.

"Well how are you feeling now?"

"I couldn't be happier," I smiled. He bent his neck and gave me a passionate kiss on the lips. After a breath he kissed my forehead and rested his cheek on my head. All I had to thank for this was that one night....

I know this one has been pretty rushed, I'll be better in the next one which is called Oh So Lucky and is a Niall fanfic :)

That one Night FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now