Part 11

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The next day, having heard nothing from Harry, I went prom shopping. I looked in all the shops I could to find the perfect dress for the occasion but my heart just wasn't in it. I tried numerous dresses on, pink, red, purple but nothing stood out to me. I didn't see the point in buying shoes if I hadn't even got my dress yet. I was walking out of a fancy store when I bumped into Chantelle.

"Hey what're you doing here?" I asked.

"Oh I'm just finding some new clothes for the boys for an interview today, you know what they're like," she laughed.

"Oh right, I'm looking for a prom dress but I can't find one anywhere," I said. After a couple of seconds her face brightened.

"What about the green one you wore for the video?" she asked excitedly. Of course! I loved that dress and I now realised that it was the exact one I was looking for.

"Really?!" I asked. My heart started racing as I got excited about wearing the beautiful dress again.

 "Of course! Come by the studio today at four and I'll sort everything out for you."


I walked up the studio doors, reliving déjà vu. But last time I was happy with my life now I just want to get on with it. Walking to set 4 was the worst thing ever. I had people staring at me, people asking me if I was lost.

Chantelle had left my name with the front desk so I had a pass but most people I walk past think I'm a crazed One Direction fan. Eventually I arrived to the chaos that was an interview. Staff were running around everywhere with various cameras and headsets. I looked onto the set and saw the boys sat on a sofa. Lou was touching up the boy's makeup as they sat there chatting. Harry was sat the furthest away from me looking around the outside of the set. I hid behind a pillar. I didn't want him to see me, he might think I was stalking him. Then I saw who he was looking for.

He waved just to the left of me and I turned to see Lara waving back sweetly. It made me feel sick. He obviously wasn't thinking about me that much, and hadn't done anything to sort out this mess. He went back to talking to the interviewer about the kinds of things they were going to ask. I was watching Harry speak when something caught the corner of my eye. Someone was waving at me.

Chantelle started to walk over in her black boots, with a summer dress flowing around her. I hadn't really noticed before but she was a really pretty woman and I was starting to really like her.

"Hey do you want to come with me and we'll get this sorted out," she asked.

"Yeah sure," I replied. She started to walk out into the middle of the set, around the back of the couch and disappeared behind a curtain. Did she want me to follow? I couldn't walk out there. Harry and Lara would see me. I took a deep breath in, straightened my shorts and my blouse and started to walk straight into the set. No-one seemed to notice me until I got to the couch.

"Sarah?" Harry asked. I just turned to him, gave him my best smile and walked off to behind the curtain. That'll show him, I thought.


What was Sarah doing here? I'd been trying to get her out of my mind as much as possible recently, but I just couldn't. And seeing her in person made me worse. I'd forgotten how beautiful she was and how my heart starts racing when I see her smile. What am I going to do? I looked at Lara and she told me to focus on what was going on. The interviewer Colleen was sat opposite us getting ready to start the show. She introduced us and then started talking to us about the show. I felt nervous, even though I knew what I had to say. Me and Lara'd been over this loads of times. The girl in the video was just an extra because Lara couldn't make it at the time and that they were still happily together. I hated lying to the press and my fans but what else could I do?

"So Harry, we saw there was a new girl in the new video. New love interest by any chance?" Colleen asked me.

"Of course not, me and Lara are still happily together," I answered quickly. I started fidgeting and Colleen picked up on that.

"But you've been pictured with her going into your hotel and in your car, can you explain that?" she asked me. My palms started sweating. I looked over to Lara but she wasn't there anymore. There was Sarah, stood in her place.

"Sarah is just a friend, from my childhood," I said loud and clear. Sarah face dropped and my heart broke.


A childhood friend? That's all he was saying I was to him. Harry was still staring at me as the tears were forming in my eyes. I couldn't stay here anymore. I turned around and ran to where the exit was.

"Sarah!" Harry shouted. I spun round quickly.

"What are you doing?! You're in the middle of an interview!" I shouted at him.

"I don't care, I need to talk to you," he said.

"I don't care what you have to say Harry," I told him starting to walk away. He grabbed my arms and pulled me close to him. I looked round frantically just in case someone saw us.

"I don't care," Harry said lifting my chin up. I looked into his eyes but the tears started falling down my face.

"I can't Harry," I sniffed untangling my arms. I started to walk away, wiping my eyes. He didn't shout my name again.


I'd lost her forever. There was nothing I could do that could sort out this mess. I felt lost as I walked back to the set. They will definitely ask me why I ran off like that and I really can't deal with that right now. I got there and the boys were all laughing and joking with Colleen. I stayed still waiting for the interview to finish. I walked back to the dressing room with the boys in silence. As soon as we got through the doors questions were fired from all of them, wanting to know what was happening.

"I've messed up," I said throwing my hands up in the air. I sat down and put my head in my hands. "I don't know what to do anymore," I said quietly.

"Mate we're here for you, talk to us about it?" Liam asked me. So after explaining everything to the boys they looked at me as if I was stupid. Then it hit me. I knew exactly what to do.

"But what about management?" I asked.

"Screw management Harry, do what you have to do!" Louis shouted at me. I jumped up and gave them all a massive bear hug.

"Thanks guys!" I shouted running out of the door.

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