Part 12

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I threw the rest of my clothes in my suitcase. We were going home at nine o'clock tonight. When I get back tomorrow I have two days to get myself ready for prom. I keep getting loads of texts from Harry but I've ignored them all. Nothing he can do will make me change my mind about him. He played me, and even if I don't understand, he can't treat me like this. Just then my phone beeped.

It read "I'm so sorry for everything that I've put you through Sarah. I know you don't deserve that. I would be saying this to you in person but it's not the right time. Please just don't forget me? Love Harry." Why would it not be the right time for him to talk to me? I threw my phone back down on my bed and finished my packing. -------- As we got on the plane I was hoping for Harry to come running down the corridor and confess his dying love for me, but then I realised that this wasn't a love story, just a story.

*Two days later*

I curled the last section of my long hair so that it flowed just below my chest.

"Sarah hurry up! You'll be late!" my mum shouted up the stairs. I looked at myself one more time in the mirror. I'd tried to copy what Lou had done to my hair and makeup for the video and I had to admit that I hadn't done that bad. My hair curled perfectly around my face and down my back. I had minimal makeup on but it worked somewhat, showing off my natural features. For the first time this week I looked happy and more like me. The long green dress rested on the floor with my silver high heels shining underneath. The dress fitted me in all the right places. My thoughts drifted to Harry. Did we suit each other on the video? I could imagine him here with me now, standing next to me with his hand around my waist. I shook the thoughts out of my head and went downstairs to my mum and sister taking pictures.


I love the next parts :) let me know what you think 

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