Part 9

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"NO TOY STORY!" The boys were all shouting at each other, deciding what film to watch. Eventually they all decided on Toy Story as the film that they were going to watch. I looked around the huge living room. Danielle was trying to calm Liam down on the edge of one of the couches. Suddenly he just grabbed her and wrestled her to the couch as they were laughing and joking. He kissed her lightly on the lips and it made my heart warm. They had such a great connection.

And that's when I felt Harry's hand. I was lay with my feet up on the couch next to me as Harry put his arm around my waist and pulled me closer. I snuggled my head into the crook of his shoulder and he buried his head in my hair. I smiled to myself, enjoying how everything was going so well. All the other couples had settled down as the film began and Harry kissed my forehead and grabbed my hand.

Half way through the film, Harry’s mobile started ringing in his back pocket. Unfortunately he let go of my hand and stood up, reaching to get it. He checked who was calling him and then let out a long sigh. He signalled that he would be one minute and then backed out of the room whilst answering the phone.


"Hey what's up?" I said quietly. "What's up?! What's up?! Harry what is all the news about this strange girl that you keep getting spotted with?! Answer me that!" Lara shouted down the phone.

"Lara calm down! She's just a friend," I replied back. I really wanted to tell Lara how I really feel about Sarah. She deserves to know, but not whilst she's in one of her moods.

"Well I don't care! I'm flying out to Florida tomorrow so we can sort this mess out!" and with that she hung up. I slumped to the floor, giving up on her. How can I tell Sarah about this? I walked back into the living and Sarah looked at me straight away. I decided to do this right now so I walked up to her and told her.


I can't believe she was coming here. As soon as Harry had told me, my heart sank. I didn't know what Lara was like in real life but I didn't want her to come between me and Harry. When I found out that I'd been pictured with him too, my heart sank further. I really didn't want to get Harry in any trouble with the press. I stayed quiet until the film had finished, then I dragged Harry into his bedroom.

"Wow chill, you'll have to wait!" Harry shouted loudly with a wink. I just raised my eyebrows at him.

"Ok not funny, sorry," he said taking my hands. I looked into his eyes and said

"What are we going to do?" He stared at me for a while before slowly saying

"I want her to meet you."

My phone buzzed and it was mum saying that she and Abi were going staying at one of her friends houses on the other side of Florida. Harry looked at my text and then grinned cheekily at me.

"SLEEPOVER!" he shouted whilst rugby tackling me to the floor. I started laughing as we both rolled over. I lay on my side and Harry was lay on his looking in my direction. We were so close our noses were touching.

"So how about it?" Harry said.

"Seriously?" I asked him. He just gave me the look. Well one night can't hurt, I thought.

"We can set you up in the guest room," Harry said as he lifted me up. I liked that he didn't expect me to sleep in his bed with him. After that Harry drove me home to get some clothes and my toothbrush and when we got back it was already eleven o'clock. He showed me the guest room which was exactly like the rest of the house. Modern and clean. I had a double bed all to myself, which was more than I had, even at home. I walked in and dropped my bags on my bed. Harry was still standing by the door.

"You not coming in?" I asked.

"I'd better not, you need some sleep," he grinned. I wrapped hands around his neck and snuggled into his shoulder. He put his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. I didn't know what to say so we both stayed silent. After a while I let go and took a step back. He smiled sweetly at me, grabbed the door handle and closed the door behind him.

I got ready for bed as the house settled down. I wore pajama shorts and a huge 'I Love NY' top over them. I couldn't believe that I was about to sleep in a flat with the whole of One Direction a few doors away. I was so happy how the past days had happened, and I was starting to feel like I mattered somewhere. I was starting to fall hopelessly for Harry, and even though I should, I can't stop myself. I could get hurt from the situation I'm in but I need Harry in my life. Even though I've known him only a couple of days it feels like it’s been longer. I just hope he feels the same way. I got into my double bed and lay there looking at the ceiling. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't get to sleep. I twisted and turned for about an hour, until there was a knock on my door. The door creaked open slowly, and the light from the hall creaked through. Harry popped his head round the door.

"I can't sleep," he whispered.

The kettle boiled and I poured the boiling water into the cups of hot chocolate. Harry helped me stir as I poured them. We grabbed our drinks and went back to his room. I sat with my back against the huge window and Harry sat cross-legged on the edge of his bed. We stared at each other for a while, slurping our hot chocolate.

"Do you like the fame?" I asked him suddenly. The thought had been going through my mind since I'd met him.

"I like it sometimes, but not others," he said then went back to staring at his drink.

"Is that all I'm getting?" I asked him back.

"I don't really want to talk about it right now," he replied whilst looking at me. I sighed loudly and finished the rest of my drink. I got up and said "goodnight" to Harry as I headed towards the door. He jumped up and grabbed my hand, pulling me towards him.

"Stay here tonight," he told me. I looked into his eyes and they looked warm and inviting.

"Harry I can't..." I started saying, but Harry cut me off.

"I don't mean in the same bed, I'll sleep on the floor," Harry exclaimed. I smiled at his consideration towards me. He pulled me towards his bed and tucked me in. It was so much comfier than mine. I watched Harry as he grabbed a quilt from the wardrobe and lay it on the floor.

"Go to sleep," Harry whispered to me before kissing my forehead. I heard him get comfortable on the floor and soon I heard his slight breaths which sent me straight to sleep.

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