Chapter 10: Tootsie Pops

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I stood up with the newly gathered books watching him lock the door. Well, try and lock the door, since it looked like there was a little bit of a struggle and some muttering under his breath.

"There! the library has been locked. Hopefully that'll stop those "bad people," he chuckled.

"Thank you for holding the country on your shoulders.....?" I trailed off while raising my eyebrow.

"Brendon. Brendon Urie. I haven't seen you before, are you new here?"

"Haha, is it that obvious? Yeah, I'm Ryan Ross. It's my first day. So all these books are yours?"

"Oh no no no, I have to take them to the main office really quick."

"I'm heading that way, I'll walk you there." I took a few steps, looking at him to lead the way. Who was I kidding, I was counting on this kid to show me where it was since that's the only entrance/exit I knew about.

"Ah-okay!" He said excitedly, picking up my book bag and jogging in front of me.

I trailed a few steps behind him, looking around at all the posters hung in the halls.

"So uh, we really like sports here, huh?" I whistled.

"Yeah," Brendon scoffed. "The jocks get all the funding for the school, leaving little for any other clubs or arts programs"

"That sucks, yo."

"Yes, and I hope this is a good introduction to our fine institution for a new pupil," he said in a nasally voice and tipping an imaginary hat.

I giggled as we entered the main office and followed to the secretary's desk.

"Here's the books you ordered, Mrs. Jones!" he chirped.

"Put 'em on the desk and go," the secretary said without breaking eye contact from her solitaire game.

At least I know her pleasant attitude isn't just before she's had her morning coffee

I put the books on the desk while I saw Brendon reach for a candy bowl with an absurd number of Tootsie Pops.

"No!" she snarled, slapping his hand away. "Those are not for students."

"Fine fine, we're leaving. Tootsie-less." he pouted.

We exited the office, Brendon shuffling his feet with his lips pursed.

"Hey dude, I'll bring you a Tootsie Pop soon. It'll be okay." I joked.

"You promise?" he sniffled, pretending to wipe tears.

"Of course!"

"Sick! I'll see you...when I see you?"

"Yeah, sounds good!"

"'Catch ya later!" he called, tossing me my book bag and then running down the hall.

"See ya!"

What a weird speedy kid


haha why not, whats up? I'm a lil drunk

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2020 ⏰

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