Chapter Seven: Teachers and Friends

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"Fuck!" I said, through grit teeth as I slammed the door behind me.

I went over to my speakers, making a slight selection change and cranking up the volume.

I exhaled and let the angry music flow into my ears as I sat on my bed, staring at my pillow. I could punch it, but that wouldn't take out my frustration, probably just irritate me more.

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I took it out to see the reply to my hastily sent "brb"

"My dad is the most irrational person I have ever met" I typed.

The response was almost instant saying "let it all out"

Instead of going on my usual rant, I decided to respond with "same thing as always, I'm just sick of all of this", not caring enough to elaborate.

I threw myself backwards onto the bed, draping an arm over my face to block any light. My iPod had stopped playing on the speakers due to the glorious fact that i forgot to click repeat on the album. Great. Being lazy and pissed off is a combination that really isn't working for me right now.

The silence was no where near relaxing and I was relieved once my ringtone interrupted it.

"Hello?" I answered in a monotone voice.

"Lets get Chinese" the other end spoke.

I felt a smile crawl onto my face, like it did every time I heard that voice.

"But I had that for lunch."

"Fine, pizza. Get out here, its freezing"

I put the disconnected phone in my hoodie and opened my window.

One of the definite perks about living here was that I was next door to the most musically talented person I knew, meaning a good radio station selection.

I climbed out of my window and made the series of jumps from my roof to the fence and landing on the wet grass before seeing my knit-capped savior in front of my house, leaning on front of his car.

"I am freezing my ass off for you, Wentz" he called, climbing into the drivers seat.

I bounced towards vehicle, all my past anger subdued.

'Trick was the best friend ever.

Patrick POV:

"'d it go?" Gerard asked.

"Okay, we just got some pizza" I told the phone as I pulled my cap off and threw it on the bed.

"You didn't tell him?"

"Of course not." I sighed.

"One of these days, Patrick..." he hummed.

"Its just..its not only the being friendzoned, its the fact that he tells me everything! It would feel like cheating if I did something, since I already know who he's after. It wouldn't be fair."

"Well Stump, if its me then I won't let him into my pants. Not even if he..." the artist started. I scowled, if only he knew how close he was to the truth.

"Its not you, Gerard" I said, cutting off the fantasy before it ran wild since one of the two people on the line like to say what they're thinking aloud.

"Fine then." he muttered, practically pouting on the line.

"Anyways, what about that one kid?"

"What kid?" he asked sharply.

I grinned. Gotchya Way.

"The one I keep seeing sketches of in History."

"He's no one," I heard the voice say nervously. "Just a face I created."

"Well then I'll be damned! Your hand must be magical, 'cause I see that face in the hallway every single day!"

" cannot be fucking serious."

"Ah ha! The tables gave been turned, Way!."

"He's just a guy, i'm the TA for his 3rd period."

"Oooo, like a kinky teacher-student thing?"

"Oh, shut it, Stump." he snapped. "I'm not going to put up with this abuse."

"I'm sorry Mister Way...I've been a bad bad boy, don't hit me with that ruler-"

"Fuck this, i'm hanging up."

"But Gerard!"


"I need to talk to you about getting extra credi-"

Somehow over my laughter, I heard the line click and dropped the phone from my ear, laying back on my bed. I waited for the giggles to finish erupting from my mouth and reluctantly let silence take over the room.

A deafening silence. An alone silence.

Except once the laughter stopped, there was no silence. Just the sound of my breathing and muffled music from next door. I may not know much, but I know life is a bit easier when I have that music next door endlessly playing.

"It's okay, Gerard." I said to the ceiling. "I feel your pain."


I'm baaaack :D
Sorry it's been so long, it's just that there's this terrible time consuming thing i have to do nearly everyday that then send me home with work to do. Oh wait, that's school and homework :P

Anyways, next few chapters shouldn't have this much of a break between them. After all, i get some of my inspiration for this fic from school.


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