Chapter 9: Books Hold The Fate Of Our Country

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Brendon's POV:

Grabbing my bags from the back room, I did a mental checklist of everything that needed to be done.

Books all checked into the system, check.
Computers all turned off, check.
Were there any books by any of the computers, none, check.
Are you sure, those pages could start a fire and everything in here could burn down the building.
No, there aren't any and that's highly unlikely.
Its very unlikely.
How could that even happen to me of all people.
That's what they always think. Plus, it is YOU we're talking about.

Well, it's nice to know my conscience believes in me.

After checking the computers again, and making sure they were a book-free zone I decided to get out of the library before I accidentally start a fire myself. Fumbling with the keys and trying to find the right one for the third lock, I decided that cursing all library locks was a good idea.

Jesus Christ, I mean who is going to steal any of these books. Ah, finally here I-

For fuck's sake.

"Of course I dropped the keys, I mean with a armful of books it would only be most convenient for me." I belted out to the door and brick wall who seemed to be mocking me. Assholes.

"At least no one's planning on breaking into a library." a voice from behind me said.

My lack of martial arts training decided to really pay off at that moment, when I unleashed my ultimate move of dropping my books while jumping up and shrieking a bit.

I turned around to see a familiar face covered with a scarf, barely able to make out the smile beneath it. The figure set down his book bag and decided to help pick up the books that had now been scattered within a 3 foot radius.

Nice Brendon. Nice.

"So you're not here on some escapade to take all of the books?" I decided to carefully ask, trying extremely hard not to fall sideways as I crouched to pick up the books. I hope that this kid as a sense of humor because otherwise it'll get real awkward real fast. Sneaking a glance to see how my statement would affect him had me confronted with two brown orbs staring right at me. And I mean right at me. Like into my spastic thing of a soul.

"In reality, I'm working with the CIA and in that library is the key to stopping some very bad people from doing very bad things to our country." he said, dead-pan and without breaking eye contact.

I blinked.

"Well, how do you know I'm not working for those 'very bad people'?"

Ryan cracked a smile, "Well, I guess I'll just have to trust you not to kill me then."

Aheheheh, hey guys.

So I've been alternating my uploads between this story and another that I've been writing on this site.

Excuse my leave of absence if you will, hard times mean little opportunities to write and having writers block isn't helping either.
I will never abandon this fic though, no matter how long it takes for an upload to occur. So stay tuned?


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