Chapter 19

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Dear Demi, September 29, 2014
I write this to you with great sadness. A wonderful young little girl who loved you has passed away. She called herself a lovatic. She adored you to pieces and we were going to go to your meet and greet and concert next week. If you didn't know, Brandy had leukemia and has been struggling with it for the past 5 years. She was such a strong and beautiful young lady. It was too early for her to die. She was a tough cookie, just like her mother. But her mother chose the wrong path and became and alcoholic and has ended up with many convictions and now her ass sits in a jail cell where it belongs. Brandy and her siblings didn't deserve the bullshit their mother put them through. But Brandy sure did make the best of what she had. She was always the happiest little girl I had ever met. I miss her so much. She was the light that was keeping me alive. I found all these letters in her desk drawer and I read them all. I thought I should send them to you even though you probably won't read them. It would've meant the world to Brandy for you to see these.
With much love,
Elizabeth (aka Brandy's Nana)

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