GIVEN by Nandi_taylor

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Y'all!! I

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I. Love. This. Story.
GIVEN by Nandi_Taylor

Fact: I love brown skin girls in love stories.
Fact: I love Fantasy reads.
Fact: I love when words link together beautifully to paint a picture of an unimaginable place. Amazing writing.

Little known fact: I really like reading in accents. I spent most of this story toggling between African, English, and Caribbean accents. And when we visited Suli's or hung out with DeeDee, I was all the way in my rock island, St. Thomian gurl accent. "Wha it is yo wan, Yenni?"

Might as well do housekeeping now:
~Fantasy read with lots of spell casting and runelore. Mothers and Fathers and Byen.

~There isn't any 'real' profanity. Though I suspect if you're Creshen, you wouldn't want to be called an 'ass boil.' Oh and there was a part at the end when someone said the sugar honey ice tea word, but he only said it like twice. Otherwise, this book is clean as a whistle.

~There is a super sensual scene that leads to sex minus the details. So, I wouldn't even label this as mature. Just really sensual. And who knew smelling could be so deep?

Imma start getting offended when people say I smell good.
Finger in the air. "I'll have you know that I am a married woman."
Ha!! All jokes people. Please, don't take me seriously.

Deep sigh.
Did I mention that I love this story?
The first time I read about Weysh, the dragon, pulling his internal trigger to switch between man and dragon-form I was hooked. I don't want to give any spoilers though.

My favorite character was Harth. He had me dying laughing. Sylvie was just the cutest. I like how strong and empowered the women are in this story. And Yenni—I can call her Yenni because we're friends now—carried herself with so much pride and confidence, disregarding anyone else's opinion of her. We could all use a healthy dose of that.

Finally, let me tell you about Weysh—the man-dragon. I felt his pain the entire story. I wanted to shake Yenni and be like, "You are his Given." I just love everything about Yenni and Weysh. Insert heart eyes here. 😍

I need to see this book on the big screen. Work your magic Wattpad because I enjoy going to the movies and saying, "oh my gosh, that part was soooo much better in the book."

There is a sequel, HIDDEN, but it's only available in draft form. It's a little harder to read in the beginning because it hasn't yet been reworked to flow seamlessly with the Wattpad books edition of GIVEN. I'm still reading it though!! #hooked

Flowers for the author, Nandi_taylor for creating a world I'm having trouble leaving and filling it with characters and qualms well beyond my imagination. Thank you for a fantastic read.

Sidebar: I don't write Fantasy because it's crazy hard. And I am in awe of those who do it well.

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