Introduction - Author's Note

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It's one thing to know, deep down, that life isn't all peaches and cream

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It's one thing to know, deep down, that life isn't all peaches and cream. It's another to have it smack you upside the head and leave you wondering if maybe, just maybe, the bad guys had it right all along.

Everyone believes that the golden-hearted superheroes plastered on every screen are truly what they say they are. They're brave, loyal, kind, and most important of all, they're here to save the day. Vidya Khan believes that, too, until she joins their ranks and discovers what it's truly like.


Welcome to my book, The Marvels! It's a superhero-action-adventure story with some less-than-noble characters and a lot of twists and turns. Don't say I didn't warn you :)


The Marvels by Kelsea Dove. All Rights reserved.


Note, added 11/10/23I'm aware there's a Marvel movie called The Marvels. I did not name this book after the movie, and I wrote/published this book with this title (in April 2020) before the movie's title was announced (it was announced May 2021). I wasn't trying to mislead anyone into thinking this was related to the movie or Kamala Khan's story. I also apologize if you initially thought this was Marvel fanfiction, because I've noticed a lot of people adding this book to their fanfic lists and then removing them lol.

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