Ep. 7 | Death Trap of a Courtyard

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I can do this, Vidya thought as she ran. I can do this.

But the ramp had other ideas. She slipped almost immediately, using her hands to slow herself as her knees skidded down the ramp. It hurt her pride more than it hurt her body—she'd taken too many falls these past few days to be fazed by physical pain.

"Are you okay?" Phase asked.

Vidya nodded, embarrassed. Phase used to be a super trainer for ASPA, so he knew how to help people master their powers, even if he didn't have them. Since he couldn't fly himself, he couldn't possibly judge her too harshly for how awful she was doing, but she was afraid she was the worst trainee he'd ever had.

They stood in Celestro's private yard, across town from their building. It was locked in by fences and hidden by distance and trees, but nosy spectators weren't what worried Vidya. Flying was such a rare superpower that there was barely anything to train with. All they had was a ramp to give her some height before going airborne, but the last twenty attempts proved she wasn't ready for it.

"Okay." Phase swung his hands around, thinking. "You need to learn to take off properly—floating gently won't be fast or powerful enough when you need to get somewhere quickly. You'll have to do it without a running start, but for now you can learn with one. Since the ramp isn't working out...maybe just run and jump?"

Vidya nodded and backed up to give herself space. Running and jumping and staying in the air would be like pole vaulting, which would be reassuring if she'd ever pole vaulted. Or done hurdles. Or done any sport that kept her in ideal physical condition.

She started sprinting, and right when she thought there was enough power in her speed to jump, Phase jerked forward and screamed, "Wait!"

Vidya dug her heels into the ground, just barely avoiding flipping herself into the air. "What?" she panted.

He tapped his foot. "The ground is firm. It might hurt. Try not to go too high, because if you fall, I only might be able to catch you."

Vidya didn't plan to go high, but she knew what he was getting at. Too much safety gear would weigh her down, so she had on only the minimum: pads on her elbows and knees, special shoes, and a helmet. It was fine for a few feet, but for a fall higher than that, Phase would have to catch her to keep her from breaking a bone. He wasn't nearly as strong as Lady Marvel or Juggernaut, but he also had super strength, so catching a free-falling body from the air wouldn't be a problem...but getting to her fast enough would be. One second too late, and she'd hit the ground.

Phase waved his hand dismissively. "But I'm sure you'll be fine."

Vidya nodded again and backtracked to her starting point. Step one to becoming a Marvel, if Flamethrower's attitude had taught her anything: be confident. Maybe not I'm-better-than-you confident, but confident. She believed she could do this, and so she would.

Bend at the knees a little. Run. Kick off. She jumped weakly into the air and felt it, that momentary weightlessness. She tried to hold on to it, to keep herself in the air or even go a bit higher, but it was fleeting. She fell, at least landing on her feet instead of stumbling onto her hands.

"That was good!" Phase exclaimed. "But bend your knees more when you touch the ground. You don't have durability, so you have to be gentle with your landings. Try again."

Vidya smiled, encouraged. Of all the Marvels who could've watched her fail over and over, she was glad it was the one who was used to watching people get the hang of their powers. Flamethrower would've eaten her alive by now.

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