Ep. 6 | Who Forgets to Put Water in Cup Noodles?

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"They want me to come up with a superhero name," Vidya said, flopping onto Amber's bed.

A name was all they asked her for. The suit they would take care of themselves, but they let her set some guidelines. Nothing showy or suffocatingly tight. Long sleeves were preferable, but she could do without them, too. A comfortable mask that covered the space around her eyes and not her whole face. She didn't want a cape, but that was the one thing they wouldn't agree on.

"You can fly," the designer had said bluntly. "All flying heroes have capes."

And so, she would have a cape.

Amber chewed on the tip of her paintbrush. Her room was a never-ending masterpiece: she was always painting the walls, adding little things here and there like Rapunzel from Tangled. Whenever she ran out of room, she'd throw a fresh coat of white all over it and start again.

"Any ideas yet?" she asked, eyeing her paints.

Vidya turned to her side on the bed. "Glacier?"

"It sounds good, but it doesn't sound like you." Amber smiled. "Hey, how about Elsa?"

"Shut up."

"I can already picture the headlines. Elsa saves the day!"

"Elsa is amazing." Vidya sat up with a sigh. "But that's not my superhero identity, and I'm pretty sure there are copyright concerns."

Amber shrugged, dipping her brush into bright blue. "How about there's-a-hole-in-the-ozone-help-me-or-I'll-melt."

They burst out laughing. The monstrosity of a name that tumbled out of Amber's mouth was obviously a joke, but it gave Vidya an idea. A lot of heroes were affiliated with good causes—disabilities, equality, human rights. She could be a voice for climate change. Maybe she could even make a superhero Twitter or Instagram; knowing Celestro, they would make all her social media profiles as soon as she gave them a name.

The door opened, and Teddy poked his head inside. He was Amber's older brother, a student reporter for UCLA. "The Marvels' official Twitter just announced they have a new member being inducted this Friday."

Vidya reacted like it was surprising news.

"I'm covering the ceremony." He twisted his head around to look at his sister. "Which means you'll be home alone. Don't destroy the microwave again."

"It wasn't my fault!"

He scoffed. "Who forgets to put water in cup noodles?"

Amber flicked her paintbrush. Teddy left before the flecks of paint hit him; instead, they sprinkled the door like blue confetti.

"Do you think he'll recognize me?" Vidya asked when she heard him go downstairs.

"No way. He can't even recognize me at the dance competitions. Says he's confused by all the blondes." Amber shook her head. "Anyway, Friday's real close, and you still need a name."

"How about...Freeze?"





Amber side-eyed her. "Tell me you're kidding."

"I'm just saying whatever pops into my head," Vidya insisted. "Something has to be good. Yeti."

"Stop. My ears are bleeding."

Vidya laughed. "I'll be serious now. Hypothermia?"

"Too menacing."

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