Ep. 8 | Six Blue Balloons and an Elsa Cake

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Vidya put on her suit carefully, but it was pointless to treat it like it was fragile: the suit was made to be flexible and durable. The designer had followed every guideline she'd given her, sleeves, color, mask and all. Still, it didn't feel like hers until she put it on and stood in front of the mirror to look at Frostbite for the first time.

She smiled.

Her supersuit had a short, blue-and-white, long-sleeved dress as a top, with black leggings underneath and dark blue boots. The teal cape came to a stop behind her knees, and she had to admit it looked good. No gloves, since powers like cryokinesis were best controlled bare-handed. The mask was the perfect size, and it conformed to her face without needing a strap around her head to keep it in place. She took it off, noticing how it wasn't flimsy enough to fall off, but it was easy enough for her to remove it without prying.

Vidya paced around her dressing room. She'd been so caught up with the ceremony preparations that she forgot the most important thing: she was a freaking superhero. The excitement hit all at once, leaving her giddy and nauseous at the same time. Unable to be alone in the silence any longer, she left the room, letting the door close behind her.

Backstage, crew members were flurrying about, preparing for the induction ceremony. Vidya kept her head down, holding her mask. Celestro's employees, even the ones who saw her maskless face but didn't know her name, were legally bound to keep everything about her identity a secret, but she felt awkward among them.

Next to her room was a door with a temporary nameplate. It said LM. Vidya stood in front of it with her hand raised, hesitating. First impressions mattered: she didn't want to be forever known as the "chip girl," and here was her first chance to change that. She knocked once, softly, and then again.

The door swung inward, and Lady Marvel stood there, surprised, like she'd been expecting someone else. "Do you need something?"

Only half her hair was brushed. Her skin looked damp, and her suit was on but not fastened all the way; it hung loose where it shouldn't. There was eyeliner swimming in her left eye. Here was someone getting ready at the last possible moment, but she still looked every bit the awe-inspiring hero Vidya had looked up to for years.

Vidya stuttered. "No—I don't, I just—"

Lady Marvel raised an eyebrow. "Nervous? You should've seen Phase before his ceremony, he almost threw up."

Vidya glanced at the bathroom down the hall, the knots in her stomach tightening. She hoped she wouldn't find herself in there later, bent over the toilet.

Lady Marvel opened the door further. "I need to do my makeup. Do you mind fixing my hair?"

They had only five minutes to go before the induction, but if Lady Marvel asks you for help, you do not say no. Vidya followed her inside.

Lady Marvel handed her a hairbrush and sat down in front of the mirror. "Just brush it. I don't need anything fancy."

Vidya brushed, and Lady Marvel leaned close to the glass, putting on eyeliner like she was defusing a bomb. Her hair was damp, too—she must've just hopped out of a shower. Only four minutes to curtain. It struck Vidya as funny that, yes, even superheroes could be running late.

"Were you going to say something?" Lady Marvel asked.

Vidya met her gaze in the mirror. "I'm nervous."

"Stage fright?"

"Not exactly. The publicity, I think I can learn to get used to, and I have faith that I'll master my powers...but how do I know I'll be any good at the saving the world part?" It was a loaded question, because Vidya was also asking, how do any of you know?

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