x. wish you were sober

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 note : so um techincally i  haven't wrote on this book since fucking june so i figured out i shouldn't leave you guys hanging. also i totally forgot what this book was about and i had to re-read and i mean wow this is cringe

also i didn't re read he entire book so i can't remember if her mom leave or didn't leave for a while but in this case scenario, she did leave with her step dad for a while.

n e ways this isn't gonna be aesthetic anymore cus i'm writing on my laptop. also just so i can clear it out this ( this might sound stupid but ) this is 100 procent max and mike NOT finn and sadie so don't y'all be like nO tHey"re tEeNs or shit like that thank u goodbye

TW ; this will be   a w f u l

It was cold. Not like freezing cold, but the kind of cold you feel after doing something bad. That's what Max felt like. She felt like she started an apocalypse, which she almost sure she did. The redhead saw everything vaguely. Felt herself siting on a messy yet comfortable bed. The room was grey. Clothes spread all around on the floor, recognizing some as her own. Through the curtains, light was slowly entering entering the room which meant it was morning. The girl didn't quite know where she was, as last night was a blur. What she does remembers is that she was drunk as hell, and on the rooftop. After that it is just a blur containing of drunk people, flashing lights and Mike Wheeler. She turned around on the other side of the bed and her heart almost dropped.

"Holy shit." She let out. Curly hair, brown eyes and a surprisingly high ego. Mike Wheeler. He looked just as dizzy and confused as she was. He had obviously  just woke up because of Max's half yelling. "You scared me." The redhead says and runs her fingers through her hair. She took a good look at him, when she could finally see him now that her brain wasn't all dizzy. He was shirtless and his hair was messy. It didn't take long to figure out what happened. 

They've slept together. "Shit." She let out, and got up holding the blanket tight to her chest, reaching her hand out to pick up her clothes. She turned around back to the boy, to find him staring at her. "Do you mind?" She said, annoyed. He proceeded to turn around and the girl put on her bra.

"Hey, um," he started quietly staring at the wall full of posters on whoever's room was that. "do you remember anything from las night." He asked. In all honesty, he truly didn't remember anything. His mind was a an ocean of vague memories, wave after wave making everything a little clearer.

"No." She stated. "Do you?" she asked, continuing to put her clothes on as quickly as she could. He didn't want to lie her. Because he might not remember much, but he knew he said some very stupid things last night.

"No." He answered, not quite sure where to begin. The part where he got a girlfriend while talking to her because he was bored, then lied to Max saying he was scared of rejection and  then proceeded to sleep with her when he still had a girlfriend. 

"Well I should go-" She says, and as she was getting up she felt him grabbing her arm. 

"Hold on." He says. "Look, whatever I said last night, I didn't mean it. And what we just did is a mistake alright? I was so drunk.So, can we, um, just never talk about it again?" He asked. In all honesty, he wasn't even sure what he said last night, but, if it lead to them sleeping together, then it must've been pretty romantic.

Asshole, she thought.  "Wasn't planning to."The girl said and walked away, leaving the room, finding herself on a long hallway. All of the sudden she heard someone's voice.

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