Chapter 3: A Magical Carpet Ride

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I knocked on the window. Hesitance rocked me, was this too forward? Using a teleportation spell to go to the house of a boy that I just met must be crazy, right? What if he thinks I'm a borderline stalker who has been waiting for the moment to abduct him? 

Who am I kidding? A vampire would never get abducted. Oh wait, what if he's secretly going to abduct me and I'm going to be his personal blood bank? I do not want to be a blood bank. But wait, what if his bite is actually not painful and actually feels good like the vampire books? What if I get turned into a vampire? I can't be turned into a vampire, my dad would kill me with a stake. 

Oh no. 

I don't want to be killed. Oh, this was a mistake, I'll just go home and maybe Nico will think that the knock was a tree bonking his window. Wait, I can see him through the blinds. It's too late to ding-dong and ditch. What if I just say this was a joke? Haha funny prank? 

No, no that would be too rude. He would really hate m-

Nico opened the window and smiled. "Hey Will, come in." 

All my worries melted away. 

I crept in awkwardly, my long limbs were not meant for crawling through a hot guy's window. 

"I promise that I'm not a creepy stalker. I just did a spell that uses your phone to track where you are and teleport me there. Wait, that does sound like something a creepy stalker would do. It was a honest mistake, this was way too forward. Please don't abduct me and make me your blood back and turn me into a vampire. My dad would actually murder me." I rambled, trying to explain my actions, plead my innocence, and beg for mercy in a desperate attempt. 

There was a beat of silence and I started to play with a loose string on my cardigan sleeve. 

Then, Nico laughed. And laughed. And laughed. 

His laughter filled his room which was full of My Chemical Romance posters, records, a drumkit, a piano, and gothic furniture. His black canopy bed had cute squishmellows  on top of it and it made my heart melt.

Nico collapsed on his bed, clutching his stomach in spurts of laughter. There were tears running down his face and I started to become increasingly uncomfortable. 

He sobered up, looking at my expression and assured me, "I did not think you were a creepy stalker, I will not abduct you and make you my blood back and turn you into a vampire. I would never do that and it is very illegal to do that." 

I felt embarrassment course through my body, how did I already make a fool out myself? 

"So....." Nico started, trailing off. 

"Umm I feel pretty mortified right now." I admitted, sheepishly running my hands through my hair and avoiding eye contact. 

"Don't be. We are pretty much strangers and those are valid concerns about a vampire."

"I don't want to stereotype."

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