Chapter 1: An Awkward Elevator Ride

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Will's POV

I woke up groggily, my alarm obnoxiously ringing in my ear, making me regret putting Lady Gaga's Just Dance as my alarm sound. The moment I hear the song now, it makes me cringe.

A yawn rippled through my body as I gazed longingly at my bed. Another hour wouldn't hurt. I flop back into my warm pillows with a sigh.


My younger sister, Kayla barged into my room acting far older than her actual age of 15. She immediately started to pull me out of bed, disrupting my sleep effectively.

"Don't you know we're flying to Manhattan in an hour? Get ready!" yelled Kayla.

I shot up. Shit, I forgot we had that today. I let out a deep groan, did it have to be today? I slowly slithered out of my comfy bed, ignoring the massive desire to just sleep for one more hour. Dragging my lethargic body to my bathroom sink, I stared in the mirror.

I look like a mess.

My golden curls were untamed and in need of some haircare. There were convenient eyebags that plagued my face making me seem like a rip-off raccoon. My acne was flaring up again and my freckled overwhelmed my cheeks.

Ugh, why did I always look so bad in the mornings? I swear last night I looked like a damn model.

"Will! Hurry up, I need to use the bathroom!" my brother, Austin yelled, banging on the door.

"Go to the other one! There is more than one bathroom in this house, Austin!" I yelled back.

"Fine!" he replied, stomping away.

Being the prince of witches and warlocks isn't as exciting as it seems. You still have an annoying sibling who just cannot find another bathroom to use in the five minutes you occupy it.

Younger siblings are such a pain in the ass.

"WILLIAM, WE'RE LEAVING IN FIVE!" my dad yelled, he always had a thing for dramatics. William was my full name but honestly, unless I want to sound like I belong in the 1800s, I don't go by it.

Every year, the Board for Supernatural Relations (BSR for short) meet in Manhattan for a run-down of the year. We go over potential conflicts, solutions, and relations during the meetings. Usually, the adults handle most of it but most of our parents have started to train us to take over their position so this is the first time I'll be listening in.

Another added bonus was that my friends, Lou Ellen, daughter of Hecate, and my fellow witch and Cecil Markowitz, son of Hermes, a globin were going to be there.

I was also on a quest to determine the soulmate who resembled the moon. I was 88% sure that he was supernatural but honestly am not sure. Humans have often ended up with supernaturals in numerous cases.

That's one of my sole reasons for enduring a two-hour flight stuck in between a pregnant lady who was constantly visiting the restroom and a man who fell asleep as soon as the plane took off and started snoring obnoxiously.

After that horrendous plane ride that left me with an overall dislike of planes, my whole family head off to the Empire State Building. The Board always met on the 100th floor of that building due to it being some big power symbol or something. As you can tell, I never did like those history lessons.

Conveniently, Hades and his children boarded the elevator at the same time and an awkward tension immediately filled the enclosed space.

Apollo hated Hades and vice versa.

I looked curiously at the children. I had never had many interactions with them due to the rivalry. The girl had a golden afro with dark skin, she dressed casually in loose jeans and a gray cardigan. She was quite beautiful.

But then I looked at the boy.

The boy was an absolute catch. He had raven hair that hung over his chocolate eyes in just the right way. His skin was pale and he dressed in all black. A stygian sword glinting at his side, slung by his tight skinny jeans.

I felt a sudden burst of attraction to the boy. I couldn't explain the inexplicable feeling, just the urge to talk to him, laugh with him, touch him, compliment him.

Finally, I couldn't take it anymore.

Ignoring the potential consequences, I held out my hand to the boy and said "I'm Will Solace, it's nice to meet you finally."

He shook it with his cold hands. "Hi Will, I'm Nico di Angelo. It's a pleasure to meet you too," he said, his voice was like velvet. Now that was a voice I could hear for an eternity.

Turning to his sister, I repeated the introduction so I didn't ignore the girl.

"I'm Hazel Levesque," she said, introducing herself.

"That really suits you because of your eyes!" I said.

"You both are very beautiful, it must run in the family," I commented, winking at Nico.

They both blushed, light pink dusting their cheekbones.

"Hmmm, Nico di Angelo. That's an Italian name, right? My high school Italian coming in clutch right now. But Nico means victory of the people and you last means angel. Well, I think." I said to Nico.

He nodded.

"Well, that's ironic because you did look like you fell from heaven."

Nico looked speechless. Everyone in the elevator slowly looked at me, eyebrows raised.




Someone snickered. Then full-blown laughter. Soon, everybody was knee-slapping and weakly clutching the walls in rambunctious laughter.

I flushed. Damn, I was a fucking laughingstock. That's a great first impression.

Luckily, the elevator dinged.

"So uh that totally wasn't awkward," I said to the wall, walking quickly away to find Lou and Cecil to lament about my embarrassment.

"Hey! Will!" a voice rang.

I turned around to face Nico.

"Do you want to sit by each other in the meeting?" he asked in a shy tone, humor sparkling in his eyes.

"Sure! Lead the way," I replied, trying to shake off the awkwardness. 

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