Chapter 21

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Good Afternoon,

Most of you do not remember me but my name is Anissa. When I started writing on Wattpad I was 11 years old. I did not have the knowledge I possess now about writing. I was in the 5th grade when I started my first story. I was in the eighth grade when I stopped writing this one. During these seven years, I have grown so much. I have experienced some terrible things and witnessed some beautiful things. I finally graduated from high school in 2019. I am currently a freshman in college on a full-ride scholarship. I am a sexual assault survivor/advocate. 

My life has been a crazy one in which I battled suicide attempts, depression, PTSD, and anxiety. I am happy to be here with all of you. By the grace and mercy of Allah, I am in excellent health all things considered. I never thought I would come back to Wattpad, but my God has led me here. It took me forever but I remembered the login and I read every single comment.

These comments had some good and some bad. Some people hated my writing style, not comprehending that I was a child. Nevertheless, all of the comments reminded me that I had let all of you down these past three years. I ask for your forgiveness and thank all of you for believing in my vision and loving this story as much as I did.

Inshallah, I will continue to update the night on fire.
I pray all of your families are keeping safe during this a pandemic and my stories may bring you comfort.

These are the names of a few people who comment stuck with me @flevaloverr,@VenessaTyrrell7 @katerinakigrier, @fluffy-experiment @originalbabw @abitchisstupid @joeydoesntsharefood1. I sincerely apologize to all of you for letting you down. Thank you all so much. I love you all, and this chapter is dedicated to everyone who had hoped one day I would return.

Disclaimer: I, of course, don't own the Vampire Diaries. Never have, never will. I'm just playing around with the story!


Sofia walks into the Salvatore boarding house after receiving a text from Rebekah, telling her that she needs help picking out a homecoming dress. She walks into the living room, and sees Elena standing there with her arms crossed. She sees Rebekah standing aside a row of girls, all in different dresses.

"Ah, Sofia, right on time," Rebekah says, smiling slightly at her friend, and Sofia smiles back. "Which one, do you think?" she asks, gesturing to the women in dresses.

"The red one, definitely," Sofia says, and Rebekah looks the girl in the red dress over a bit.

"Elena, what do you think? Pick one," Rebekah says to Elena.

"I'm not here to help you shop. I'm here to talk about why you don't want me to wake up Mikael," Elena says, and she doesn't miss the way Sofia tenses beside her. Elena's eyes widen when Rebekah grabs one of the girls and lets her fangs hover over her neck.

"I said "pick one", Elena," Rebekah says.

"The red one," Elena rushes out, and Rebekah lets the girl go.

"There. It wasn't so hard, was it?" Rebekah asks, and turns to the girls. "Go away. Remember nothing," Rebekah says to the compelled girls, and they all leave. "You do not threaten me. You'll learn what I allow you to learn. Is that clear?" Rebekah asks Elena, her face inches from hers, and Elena nods. Rebekah waits a few moments and steps away.

"You know, I have the perfect shoes that will go with that dress," Sofia says to Rebekah, and Rebekah nods slightly.

"I may have to borrow those, then," Rebekah says, and Sofia smiles a bit. "Come. I want to look through Stefan's bedroom," Rebekah says, and heads up the stairs. Elena looks at Sofia, and Sofia shrugs a bit before following the blonde, and Elena follows closely behind Sofia. The three of them enter Stefan's room.

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