Climbing a Tower Isn't My Idea Of 'Fun'

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'Legend has it that my soulmate lays inside this tower, cursed to sleep forever.'

Todoroki was exhausted and he was talking to himself again. It had been three days of straight traveling to find this place and he was sick of it.

'Just get to the tower and kiss her awake, that's all you have to do, then you can go home and have a bath.'

He really had lost it, those near sleepless nights on the cool dirt ground were taking their toll, and those eye bags? Damn, those were something to be jealous of. The base of the tower rose up in front of him, leaving him squinting into the sun just to see the top. He decided to have a quick look around the base in vain hope there might be a door with stairs up. His hopes were quickly put out as he completed his round. An irritated sigh was heard before he placed a hand onto the smooth stone.

'Here goes nothing I guess.'

He hopped slightly before hoisting himself up, grabbing onto the next stone and continuing upwards. By the time he finally grabbed hold of the window seal, he was exhausted. Using the last bit of strength he had, he swung himself onto the ledge and flipped his feet inside. The tower looked nothing like what he had imagined, a thick layer of dust coated nearly everything in the room, from book shelves to desks. It look almost eerie as the sunlight shone onto dancing dust particles flying through the air. Finally his eyes fell on the veiled four post bed.

'That must be her.'

His voice came out as a soft whisper as he took a step forwards, his heart was pounding. What would she look like? Would she like him? What if the kiss doesn't work? He shook his head, clearing the thoughts away before taking a deep breath and pulling back the veil.

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