A Gremlin, His Dragon and... a Princess?

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-Bkg POV-
He had been walking with this stupid red head for nearly an hour now and he was ready to off himself, how annoying could the man be? The answer is 'very'. He keeps going on and on about how him and another dumbass under the name of Denki, decided to see how much electricity each of them can withstand before passing out.

'Are you done yet?"

The sentence came out more harsh sounding than he had intended but this didn't seem to phase the other male who simply replied with a cheery 'nope' and continued on with his story. The whole plan for the trip was to catch up with their other friends including, the one called Denki which had him slightly worried for his safety, Mina and Sero. Who all lived in the town two hours away- on foot. It pissed Bakugou off beyond words could express that they were walking there. He had a fucking dragon with him, yet the lazy bastard decided he wanted to walk as a human for the entirety of the trip. He cursed under his breath before catching sight of the tower's turret poking out of the treetops in the distance.

'Hey Shitty hair, you seeing this?'

'What? The tower? Yeah man.'

'Loser has to find food.'

'You're on-'

He didn't wait for the male to finish, dashing off into the trees. He looked like he was going to win by a mile, well, that was until he heard the sound of wings flapping above him. That goddamn cheater had turned himself into a dragon. He was not having it, he jumped onto a low hanging branch before swinging himself onto a higher one. To his advantage, Kiri had not seemed to have noticed him yet. Though he definitely did when the ash blond launched himself through the air and latched himself onto his tail. A loud roar made his ears ring but he refused to let go, there was no way in hell he was losing to an oversized lizard. No matter how hard Kiri shook his tail, the blond wasn't coming off. In the end he flew himself as close to the window of the tower as possible, allowing the stubborn blond to climb off and claim his victory.

'Looks like I win again~'

The blond now stood on the ledge with a smug smirk plastered on his face causing the dragon to roll his eyes and blowing a jet of steam into his face. He snorted in reply, waving the air in front of him. Heh, he didn't doubt for a second he was going to beat the red head. He turned his attention back to the tower, stepping inside with a look of disgust, someone needed to clean this place desperately. Behind him Kiri had managed to shift back into a human mid air, landing with a thud on the window ledge.

'Do you think there might be food in there?'

'Don't ask me, it's not my problem.'

Kiri rolled his eyes again before his eyes lit up, he had just thought of a brilliant idea. He looked around the room, after concluding it was big enough, he shifted back into a dragon nearly taking out Bakugou and half of the furniture in the process.

"Oi! Shitty hair, what the fuck are you doing?!"

The dragon merrily ignored him, instead sniffing the air, causing the blond to essentially throw a temper tantrum. Dust... dust... most dust.. strawberries.. oh!- he started slowly following the scent, his eyes closed in concentration, blocking out the angry sounds coming from behind him. The scent lead him towards the bed, he gently nudged the veil out of the way revealing a sleeping woman.

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