The Gay Awakening?

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The prince frowned, looking down at the bed in utter confusion. The stories had all said princess, so why in the world would there be a male laying sprawled out on the bed? He wasn't gay was he? Sure guys were cute and all but- No he was meant to marry a princess, that's what King Enji, his father, had said.

He rubbed his eyes before leaning closer to inspect the boy's face. His ash blond hair looked like an absolute birds nest and his face was covered in dirt. Todoroki screwed up his noise slightly, how long had it been since the sleeping male had had a bath? I mean, he couldn't exactly talk either since he probably smelt worse from riding in the sun all day.

His thoughts were interrupted by a quiet snore, leaving him to sigh. He couldn't just leave him here to sleep for all entirety, he would have to kiss the male. Oh god what was he doing, he squeezed his eyes before pressing a quick kiss on the sleeping male's lips.

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