There was no rules against bringing a +1

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Being woken up by a complete stranger was not what Bakugou had envisioned, not only that, but being kissed by one. The ash blond bolted up, shoving the strange multicoloured haired male away from him.

'What the fuck!?'

The strange man blinked, looking confused by his outburst.

'Whats wrong?'

'You just fucking kissed me, that's what's wrong you damn half and half bastard!'

'But I just saved you from the curse.'

'Curse? There is no curse, I was having a fucking nap!'

With all the yelling, Kirishima had flown back as fast as he could. He hoped Bakugou hadn't killed anyone while was gone. The scene he few into was definitely not what he was expecting, mostly because the stranger was still alive. Of course Todoroki's life flashed before this eyes when massive dragon came crashing through the window before transforming into a very out of breath male.

'Hey! Whats going on!? Who are you!?

'I'm Shoto Todoroki, who are you?!'

Kirishima and Bakugou exchanged glances.

'As in the prince?'

'Nah fucking shit shitty hair!'

Todoroki watched the pair argue blankly, so... clearly the blond wasn't the princess he was looking for.

'Anyway! Im Kirishima and this is Bakugou!'

The red haired male introduced cheerily earning an elbow in the ribs from the blond.

'Im fucking wanted remember, don't go telling the prince my goddamn name!'

'Oh yeah-'

'Do you both happen to know what happened to the princess?'

Kirishima suddenly looked like he was going to throw up and Bakugou bursts out laughing causing Todoroki to tilt his head in confusion. This was certainly not the reaction he was expecting.

'I'm assuming you are not the Princess right Bakugou?'

'Of course I'm fucking not, you want to know what happened to your precious princess?'

'That is why I'm asking-'

With a smug looking grin the blond pointed at the very guilty looking male next to him.

'This idiot ate her.'

'I'm so so sorry- it was an accident- I panicked- Do you want her shoe?- I have her shoe- please don't arrest me-'

Todoroki was too shocked to say anything, but took the single shoe from Kiri. Yup- it definitely belonged to a princess. Should he say his princess- well, he can't say he knew her that well. Too bad, he would have to head back to the palace and play the perfect son for another 50 plus years.

'Oh shoot! We were meant to be at the Crow's Nook an hour ago!'

'That's a shame. They have probably all left. Right! Let's go home.'

'Ha! You're funny Bakubro! Come on, you know Denki and the others. They wouldn't leave until we got there!'

Todoroki watched the pair go back and forth some more, they seemed close, and what was this.. 'Crows Nook' they keep bringing up?

'Excuse me? What's this crow's nest?'

His question received a sharp bark of laughter from Bakugou while Kirishima turned to him with an apologetic grin.

'Sorry man! Forgot you were here! The Crow's Nook is a Tavern in the town across from here. Hey! You should tag along!-'

'No! Why the fuck would we want him? He's a prince for fucks sake, he will attract too much attention.'

'A disguise!'


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2020 ⏰

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