I Guess You Could Say She Was A Snack

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-Bkg POV-
The woman was laid out gracefully, a beautiful gown flowed down over the side of the bed and onto the floor, a small tiara sat on her head. She looked so peaceful as she lay asleep, though he was somewhat confused on how she slept through him and bakugou entering the tower.

    'Hey hair for brains! What's going on over there?!"

The sudden shout startled the poor dragon, in his panic he may have consumed the princess. He spun around, a bit of dress hanging out of his mouth.

    'What the fuck-'

It was only then that Kirishima realise his mistake, spitting out the stray bit of martial followed by a shoe. Bakugou could only look at him with a look of horror mixed with amusement, what a dumbass. He decided he should probably comfort the now traumatised dragon.

    'Hey.. uh- at least she was sleeping?'

Oh dear, wrong thing to say as now the dragon was wailing, he covered his ears. So damn loud.

    'Do you want me to go get food? You can stay here and.. recover.'

Aw, look at him trying to be all nice. Kiri's loud cries quietened for a second, leaving him sniffling. He shook his head, he needed to go for a fly to clear his head, he make his way past Bakugou to the window before shifting slightly just enough to fit out the window before flying off. The blond simply watched him with almost a look of pity.

    'Damn idiot.'

Now with the place all to himself he spun back around, hey, would you look at that. The bed is now vacant and he is quite tired.

    'Don't mind it I do~'

He chuckled to himself before sprawling himself across the bed, damn it was soft. Princess had it good. His eyes fluttered shut, it wasn't long before he drifted off to sleep.

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