12. Lottie

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Catherina was a self-sufficient person that had relied on her instinct the utmost

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Catherina was a self-sufficient person that had relied on her instinct the utmost. Maybe people would say it was imprudent, but for her, it was a way that she lived to succeed her expectations. As someone who has lived for many centuries, she was not someone that could be swayed easily with manipulation.

She was intelligent and used her past mistakes as the paths that guided her. She was a lot like Carlisle in compassion for what they strived for. It was a tad amusing that if you put the sibling's side by side, you'd think they were a perfect image of each other.

However, despite the image, you can also easily see the difference.

Catherina was childish and Carlisle was mostly serious—But then again, eccentrically, they were both still seen as a perfect representation of a balanced scale.

It was practically humorous, that you wouldn't ever come to think that the two once had a hatred for the supernatural many centuries ago. However, that was probably the part of them that no one would ever know with how secretive the pair turned out to be for the most part.

It was a condescending thought, but sometimes some things are better left unknown.

"Li, what will you do if a battle does take place?" Catherina asked her sibling as they stood next to each other in the woods. The pair were both stood far from everyone else that gathered around a campfire sharing stories.

The siblings obviously opted out on not sharing anything they didn't need. Though, maybe it was just a habit that the pair had grown accustomed to with how they preferred to take life as it goes and not to dwell on the past.

"One could only hope it would never come to it, I'm afraid" The older of the pair responded promptly," Though, I fear that even I can't promise for things to go smoothly"

"Optimism needs a break sometimes" Catherina added as she leaned on his shoulder," It's okay to be afraid, Li"

Carlisle sighed and brought his arm over her shoulder and giving it a gentle squeeze, "Easier said than done, but then again, it never hurts to allow it once in a while"

Catherina hummed in response as she used her warmth to envelope the cold touch her brother had. While she was glad, she finally reunited with her brother, it was still hard for her to believe that he was technically dead.

Her brother did, in fact, die aeons ago and despite their eternal lack of growing old—she still feared that it was a dream she was stuck in.

She knew it was selfish to ask for her brother to promise her he'd never disappeared from her life again, but even she knew that asking that was impossible.

They were immortal, not invincible.

"Something is on your mind, Cat. What's wrong?" The older of the pair asked as he noticed the concentrated look that appears on his sister's face. The one feature that seemed to no fade away over the many years.

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