A Perfect Life

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I'm obsessed with the idea of Nat and Steve with a newborn so here's my idea of what that would look like. 

Natasha had never thought she would be the type to swoon over a child. She had never exactly thought herself the motherly type and up until Steve had gotten her pregnant, she didn't even think she could have kids. 

Yet, here she was sitting on their couch with a small baby boy resting silently in her arms. 

She couldn't take her eyes off him, she never could. Not when he just looked so...innocent. 

He was the perfect combination of her and Steve. He had Steve's huge endearing  blue eyes and her facial features and red hair. 

"Is he still asleep?" Steve asked, leaning over her shoulder and pressing a kiss to her hairline. 

Natasha nodded, "Yeah. He should wake up soon though." 

Steve smiled, "He looks like you when he's sleeping." 

Natasha looked up at her husband, "He always looks like me." 

"Lucky kid," Steve said, leaning down to kiss her gently. 

Natasha smiled, "You wanna hold him?" 

Steve raised an eyebrow, "Do you wanna give him up?" 

"Not particularly. But I'll make the sacrifice for you." 

Steve laughed and moved around the couch to sit besides Natasha. She carefully passed James to him and rested her chin on Steve's shoulder. 

Steve gently brushed James' face with his thumb, "He really is perfect. He must get that from you." 

Natasha rolled her eyes, "You've already gotten me into bed Steve. You can drop the cheesy compliments." 

"Why would I do that when I mean every word?" 

Natasha sighed, "Sometimes I hate you."

Steve grinned, "No you don't." 

Natasha rolled her eyes again and rested her head on his shoulder, "You're right. I don't. But don't test me." 

"I wouldn't dream of it," Steve promised. 

Natasha sighed and closed her eyes, she loved James more than anything, but he hadn't let her or Steve get more than 4 hours of sleep a night in two months.

"You should get some rest Nat. I'll wake you if he wakes up." 

Natasha nodded and let herself drift off to sleep for a moment. 

When she woke up roughly an hour later, James was just beginning to stir in Steve's arms. 

"Looks like he's starting to get hungry," Natasha mumbled. 

Steve looked up at her, "Perfect timing." 

Natasha smiled and gently took James into her arms so that she could feed him, "Mother's intuition I guess." 

Steve smiled and placed a kiss on her hairline, "You hungry? I could run out and grab some takeout." 

Natasha nodded, "That sound's great." 

"Pizza or Chinese?" Steve asked. 

Natasha paused for a moment, "Chinese." 

Steve nodded, "Okay. I'll be back in twenty minutes." 

Natasha smiled, "Thank you." 

Steve walked out of the room and Natasha smiled after him, wondering how she had gotten so lucky. Between James and Steve, she was sure that she had more than anyone could have asked for.

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