Code Thirteen

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So apparently Natasha was originally going to be the nurse when Steve woke up so this is how I like to imagine that would've gone. Beware that this devolves into just pure Nat and Steve fluff moments. 

Steve woke up the the sound a a baseball game playing on a small radio in his hospital room. 

His eyes scanned his surroundings quickly, trying to gather hit wits and understand where he was and if he was in the hands of enemies or allies. 

There were no restraints on him or any guards that he could see, so he let his guard down for a moment, tuning into the baseball game on the radio. 

His eyebrows furrowed. The Dodgers had the bases loaded against the Philly's. He had been to a game between the two of them with the exact same situation. 

He continued to listen as all three of the Dodger's players scored. 

This wasn't a coincidence. It was the exact game he had been at. 

Before he had time to do anything else, the door opened and a nurse walked in. Steve felt his jaw drop slightly at the sight of her bright red hair and painted lips but he quickly regained his composure. 

"Good afternoon Captain," She said in a quiet voice. 

Steve frowned, "Where am I?" 

The nurse handed him a glass of water, "A recovery room in New York City." 

Steve put the water she had given him on the counter and stood up, "Where am I really?" 

The woman frowned, "I'm afraid I don't understand. You're in a hospital in New York." 

Steve shook his head, "That game is from May. I was there. So I'm gonna ask you one more time, where am I?" 

The nurse's face remained stoic but she stood up a little straighter now, "Captain Rogers please sit back down. You aren't in any danger and I didn't lie about where you are." 

Steve looked around the room and before he could do anything, three guards entered the room. 

"God damn it," The nurse mumbled as Steve darted towards the wall, finding himself shocked when he was able to break right through it. 

"The situation was under control!" She yelled before running after him and bringing her wrist up to her mouth.

"We've got a code thirteen. I'm in pursuit," She said, sprinting down the halls after Steve. 

Steve sprinted out of the building and didn't stop until he was in the middle of a world he had never seen before. He was surronded by lights and vehicles that looked like something straight out of a Stark Expo. 

Nothing looked like the world he knew. 

Before he could even breathe, a dozen cars surronded him and the nurse from the room he had been in jumped out of one followed by a man with an eye patch and a long black coat. 

"We had wanted to break it to you gently," The man said, motioning for everyone to put the guns away. 

Steve stood up straighter, his mind spinning, "Break what to me?" 

"You've been asleep for seventy years Captain. The year is 2011."

Steve frowned, that wasn't possible. It was 1948. He had a date with Peggy. He needed to talk to Peggy. And Stark. Surely Stark could help with all of this.

"Captain if you follow us back to our offices we can explain this better. Right here is not the place," The man said again. 

Steve could hardly breathe. He simply nodded and followed the man and the woman into a black car. 

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