Favorite physical feature he likes about you:

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James: Lips, he swears that they are so smooth every time he kisses you and he loves it.

Sirius: Eyes, he can get lost in them and they can be saying things that you wouldn't need say.

Remus: hands because the are small and fit perfectly into his.

Peter: Nose, he likes how you giggle whenever he kisses it.

Lucius: Butt, he likes that when he grabs it you always tend to jump due to the unexpected action.

Snape: Hair, he loves running his hand through it whenever he's stressed or kissing you.

Frank Longbottom: Eyebrows, he likes how they would move when your confused, surprised or any other emotion.

Regulus Black: your height, it's the perfect height. He can easily rest his chin at the top of your head and have easy access to  kiss your shoulders as well.

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