What kind of couple you are?

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James: The reckless couple. Oh boy! When you two are together you will do anything or everything with such spontaneity. Your dates are spontaneous and so are your pranks. Yes you two have signature pranks that only the two of you can pull not the Marauders. Let's say Minnie wasn't too fond of he quill exploding while she was grading papers one day.

Sirius: Believe it or not you are the parent couples. You guys always check on those you care about. You are always there for you friends whether it's a break up or comforting them after getting a bad grade you are there for them.

Remus: The conflict avoiders. You guys alway work out you problems and communicate well with each other.

Peter: The quiet couple. No one knows where you two are half of the time because how swift and quiet you are. You two use it to your advantage by scurrying around to cuddle or snog.

Lucius: The sexy couple. You are the most beautiful person in your year and he is the hottest guy in his year. You put anyone's style to shame and sometimes you guys match ever so slightly, when going on Hogsmeade dates.

Snape: The physical touch couple. You are always sneakily holding his hand. Behind closed doors you guys always hug, kiss, cuddle and Lily thinks it's adorable.

Frank Longbottom: The power couple. You guys are THE couple. Literal couple goals. Frank is the gentleman and is always there for you. You are the first one he goes to for his accomplishments. You are the best person for him.

Regulus Black: The destined to be together couple. From the very beginning Marlene thought you guys were perfect for each other and she was right. You guys were always there for each other and loved each other to bits.

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