Regulus Black Part 2

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Here is the continuation of the Regulus imagine requested by EllaSwerts

*2 weeks later*

I was in the library with (Y/F/N), studying for our final exams. Then all of a sudden I hear "Sweetheart! Sweetheart! Look what I just found," Regulus says running up to where me and (Y/F/N) were sitting. He was waving a book in his hand. Once he arrives to where we were he was out of breath, I stand up "What is it Hotstuff?," I ask. He outstretched his hand with the book in it. I look at him and he raises his eyebrows at me as if to tell me it's important. "(Y/F/N) would you excuse us for a second," I say. (Y/F/N) nods her head. I grab Reg's sleeve and bring him behind a bookshelf away from (Y/F/N). "I did it, I found the locations to one of his horcruxes," he says. He opens the book, to a page that reveals a picture of a cave. "Where is this Reg?," I ask. "It's somewhere in England," he replies. "England?!," I whisper yell. He hushes me, "the only problem we have to deal with is the Inferius," he states flipping the page to the most ugliest creature I saw in my life. "So what's the plan?," I question. "So I was thinking we can get away from here, we're almost done for the year so we can go after this year," he says. "We will have time to prepare," I say. He nods. "Oh Regulus this is amazing," I say giving him a peck on the lips. He had other plans, he grabs my lower back and pulls me in closer and our lips then meet again. Only this time for much longer.

*End of the year*

Reg and I apperate to The Cave, luckily Regulus insisted on bringing Creature, so we weren't completely alone. We entered the dark and eerie cave. "Lumos," Regulus muttered under his breath and I did the same. I held Regulus' hand getting as close as I can to him in fear, all the while still holding my wand. "Master Black look," Creature points. We follow the direction of where he was pointing and we see a boat. Creature starts rowing when we see a platform sticking out of the water. "Creature, there," Regulus says and Creature rows a bit faster. We shortly arrive, Regulus gets out of the boat first, offering me his hand which I take, there was a gap between the island and the boat and Creature uses his foot to bring the boat closer, which created a loud noise which echoed throughout the whole cave. "Creature," Regulus whisper yells to the house elf as he got out of the boat. We approach the center of the island. "This is the potion I was telling you about (Y/N), I'm going to drink it and when I protest your going to have to force me to continue drinking," Regulus says. "Okay." I whimper. All of a sudden we hear splashes. It was the Inferius', they found us, they were approaching and were, fast. "I bestowed this on you guys, I'm going to drink the potion," Creature said. "No your aren't, I am," Regulus states. "Hey Hotstuff, we don't have time to protest. I'll fight them off, you get Creature to drink," I State. Regulus nods and I start casting some defensive spells and couple of dueling spells. I hear a groan from behind me, it was Creature, a tear slips down my cheek. "You have to keep drinking my friend," Regulus says. I continue casting spells but more aggressively this time.

It felt like forever but I scared them off. "Creature," I hear a trembling voice say. I walk over to a kneeling Regulus. I make my way over to him. "You did it my friend, I am forever in your debt," Regulus says as a tear rolls down his cheek. I kneel next to them I rest my head on Regulus' shoulder. "Creature lives to serve the Noble House of Black," Creature says in a raspy voice. He then coughs and struggles to find his breath, and then his chest stops rising. Regulus starts sobbing. My heart breaks as I reach over to Creature and close his eyes. I then apparate all of us out of there. "Thanks Sweetheart," Regulus says still holding Creature in tears. We are on cliff distant from the cave. "Reg, we need to bury him," I say softly. Regulus says a weak okay.

After digging Regulus placed Creature in the ground and started to cover him. I etched in stone 'Creature- a very noble and loyal house elf', and placed it over him once he was buried. "We did a brave thing today and for that we are making headway to stop you know who," I say, as we stood before the grave. "Yeah," Regulus says a little melancholy. I stand on my tiptoes and give Regulus a kiss on the cheek. He looks at me and give me a smile which makes me smile back at him.

I hoped you enjoyed the Part 2 of your imagine EllaSwerts . Thank you for the request. 😊

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