I come back to the apartemt where i spent my first 8 years of my childhood.
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I see my cat Sammy and then walk into my room. Fresh white paint and the smell of new furniture. I gasped with realization that heres where it all begins. We went around the neighboorhood and went bike riding. Every turn and glance was very nostalgic. I ended 5th grade in Lithuania but I had to end sixth because i went to first grade twice. So when i wrote my english exam to see what grade ill be going in my new school i passed it so I went straight to seventh. So i skipped 6th grade. I was paranoid about going to an American school. My english was really bad and I didnt know how anything works. Especially that i jumped a grade. At home I was glad to have my dad by my side. But it still felt off. I missed my mom.
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A lot... and my family. When I went to school on the first day I was looking for friends from first grade. And there was Sio. My bestfriend from 1st grade sitting in my 4th period reading. I knew it was her from her eyes. Joy went through my whole body. And then I saw her on my bus. I tried talking to her but my english was horrible. I barely got a sentence out, luckily she understood me. She was my bestriend again. We were together all the time in the start of the year. Over the weeks of school I catched up quite easily because I already did it once before in Lithuania. I went to cross country and thats where I found a lot of new friends. One really stuck out to me tho in our first meet. I was shy and isolated myself from a group but Anthony realized. He shouted for me and made me join the group of kids. Diana, Angelica, Armando, Roxy and more... That was the cross country squad.
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I'm so embarassed to talk about this but yeah since that day I fell for Anthony. I was kind of obsessed with him. He made me feel like im not alone, welcome. Since that day we texted all the time and became bestfriends. Over the time my major crush went away. And till today hes my bestfriend. He helped me last year so so much. (Ill talk about my friends more later on) so Lets go on so Sio and Anthony were my bestfriends. I started meeting new people and friends in school. I met Denny. Sio introduced me and damn he was hilariuos. We clicked the first day we texted so we became very good friends too. We could talk for dayys. I got close with Diana because she dated Anthony. We became bestfriends. All of us sat at the same lunch table. Then came Axel we had bad blood at first. But then we became close and always there for each other. Sio intriduced Elizabeth. I was jealous of Sios and Elizabeths bond so I was kind of mad. But over months, I realized she was an amazing person. And we became very close. So Me, Sio, Denny, Anthony, Diana. Elizabeth and Axel were the squad. Last year mentally i was a mess. I probably at the lowest mental state ill ever be in. I almost got sent to a hospital because of my depression. I didnt tho because i didnt harm myself. My self esteem was very low because of my past. I felt very alone. I missed a mother figure besides me. I missed going to my mom to teach me girly things like doing my hair and makeup. I had to learn everything myself because i was surrounded by boys. Aint no complaints tho. My dad is the best person in the world. He works for me and my brother so hard. He puts us before himself. He sacrafices himself for us. Just so we could be happy. I loved what I had. And my squad. Theyll always stay in my heart. I was so so attached to them all. They helped me through everything. When I needed someone most they would be there. I was very clingy last year because i didnt want to loose people that i dearly care about like i lost my mom. In the end of last year I was at my lowest. At one point I started dating Denny. He made me really happy. My deppression got really really bad tho. As i said i missed my mom, family and i found out he was moving 30 mins away from me. I have seperation anxiety. I cry, panic and hurt when someone leaves or even the thought of it. So that hit me really hard. But he convinced me its going to be okay. School was great. I catched up. Straight A's and the teachers and students were so kind and not as toxic. Not at all almost. America was a whole different life. But it was a good one. And then the year went by really fast. There came summer...