This year I started 8th grade. First days were kind of bad because i got separated from most of my bestfriends but over time I got used too it and appreciated what I have. I started loving my 1st, 2nd, 5th, 8th and 9th periods. In first I have my bestfriend Anthony, Edson and Alejandro. Obot is my favorite teacher and he always makes the vibes fun and chill. 2nd I have Art with my bestfriend Jaquiii.
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I wuv her vewy vewy much and we do stupid shit all the time. 5th I have Elizabeth, Kaelin and Edson. All my good friends at the start of the year. 8th I have gym. I love PE and my teacher. I have Kaelin and Grace too. And then 9th is funny. Mr. Burdi jokes around, but can be serious. I have Elizabeth and Breanna in that class. And Armando which gets on my nerves but can be funny at time. So I was happy with my schedule, my grades were doing good. I went to cross country and had some good memories again.
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Me and Anthony got closer over the season and ended up dating. But it didn't workout so he broke up with me after two weeks. Bestfriends shouldn't date, but our friendship got tight after that so its all good now. 3-4 weeks after I started falling for Edson. He was there for me through some ruff times and gave good advice. When we started texting we wouldn't stop. We got really close in short period of time. So 3 weeks after being so close I confessed. And geez I really thought ill get rejected but he said he needed some time. So we continued getting to know each other more, called almost everyday and went on a date. On October 19th. Ill talk about us in a whole new chapter but let me say that after a week October 26th we started dating.
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And damn I was the happiest girl ever. My mental health and self esteem got wayy better. Because of my friends and Edson. School was doing also really good. Besides that i got into a argument with a teacher so I switched classes. After some time like a month or two my dad found out that me and Edson were more than friends. I thought he knew but i guess not so hell happened. We got into a bunch of arguments. I got grounded 3 times. My phone taken away for 1-2 weeks 5 times. Yeah it was not good. But me and Edson still managed to pull through everything. And still hungoutt a lotttt. I love that tho. While that me and the squad got into some serious issues too. We all could've made better desicions to be honest. But time let us heal. And most of us are all good now. I drifted with Diana but now we're getting close again. Her relationship is so adorable and she seems really happy so iM very happy for her. Elizabeth literally lives at my place so were sisters. And Sio got back into the squad which im really happy about because we drifted.
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And i just love our friendship. Me and Jaqui Hangout more and have great times which is amazing. Anthony started dating Sarah so me and her became bestfriends immediately. And they're literally the cutest.
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I started getting closer with Edsons friends and him with mine. You can say that We fell into love even more over time. My grandpa passed away a month ago. And the world is ending. Butt this year is still good besides all the worldwide problems like Corona. My mental health is 100x times better. I got into a healthy relationship, friendships.
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Im happy the way I am. I'm fixing all my toxic relationships from the past at the moment. I'm still goig to taekwondo and doing not bad actually I have my 4th belt. Me and Denny are friends again. Which is nice because we haven't talked for a whole year. We both agreed we're better as bestfriends. So yeah. My life is pretty amazing right now. Just hoping the corona gets better soon because it's not letting me meet with my friends or boyfriend. Soo yup Ill continue writing. Ill introduce my family and friends more so waitt for more.