The Journey

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Okay so here's the part where I have to explain 10 times because its really confusing. Some of my friends still don't understand😂. Welp short version is that my blood is Lithuanian but I'm born in America. Okay so lemme clarify. Lets zoom like 20 years back: My mom and dad. They're 18-17 years old. Both live in Klaipėda, Lithuania. Same neighborhood. Yes Lithuania is a country. It is right next to Poland. The language is one of the oldest. And it's really really shmall. It's like the size of one state. People aren't really successful nor rich there. Especially my mom and dads families at the time. They weren't friends. They were neighbors tho which is crazy just wait. Well not planned both immigrated to Illanois at about the same time. They "met" more like coincidentally found each other again at a concert. You probably know how it goes on.

They fall in love and have me

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They fall in love and have me. "Hi I'm Gabie and my life is kind of crazy." A blond, blue eyed girly. (Yeah i was blonde and blue eyes, had a whole transformation over the years after that). Then they had my little brother. Karolis Gricius. He's born December 3rd 2010. So we're 5 years apart. He is now 9.  He's blond, blue eyes, very skinny because he's really picky. Ill tell you more about my family later in the story. I went to my first year of school. I enjoyed it very much as much as I remember from my slim memory 7 years ago. But yeah we all were a very happy family.

 But yeah we all were a very happy family

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Until... My mom got depressed. They would fight almost 24/7. She once abused me. And threw my toys away. I remember her throwing a cat brush at my dads face, which left a scar till today. She had no family in the US. And got very overwhelmed as a immigrant. She started drinking alcohol. And over years it got really bad. So her and my dad thought of her going back to Europe to her family. Maybe it would get better. So when I was 8 years old and my brother 3, my mom, brother and I went to Lithuania. While my dad stayed with my cat so he could continue holding the family and have a job. So we could live. It's hard to be descriptive because it was 9 years ago whivh is hard to remember so Wait for the other parts of the journey...

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