My mom- Her name is Ingrida Bunkute. Height about 5,3-5,4. Natural hair brunette but dyed blonde ,dark roots. Blue eyes, square-diamond face shape. A great mom.
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Okay as much as you know the character of my mom she seems horrible from everything you read. But she is really amazing. Her past was really tough. And she grew up with stricts parents thats why she teached me the same. Let me tell you that. She's done so much for me and my brother and sacraficed so much for us. She was a single mom for 5 years with depression. But she still managed to help us grow. All the strictness those past years have helped me so much for today. I can take care of myself and be responsible because of her. There's ways to be better but at this point I don't blame her. She was absolutely beautiful in my eyes. And her smile would bright up the whole room. I wish I would've seen it more often. I really miss her at times. More like all the time. Sadly I won't get too see her again this lifetime. But im sure she's doing way better than she did. The day im writing this is a week before her Birthday. So early happy Birthday! I love you.
My dad- Kęstutis Gricius. Height about 5,8-5,9.
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My dad is so so caring. And goofy most of the time. I believe im more like him. We put others before us and believe theres good in everyone. Both of my parents worked hard for our happiness. My dad for 5 years worked his butt off all alone in America just so we could have enaugh money. He was seperated from family and still is now. His wife and dad died. But he stays for us. I love him so much and I don't want to put him in any more pain. We get in fights because hes overprotective but Hes still the best dad anyone could ask for.
My brother- Karolis Gricius. 5,1-5,2 maybe. Dirty blonde, blue eyes, chubby cheeks but skinny like a twig.
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I feel a responsibility of a mother figure for him after my mom died. I protect him and try my best to teach him best. Sometimes i loose my temper. But I still love him. Hes in love with science, and gardening. Like he literally has a garden in our balcony. Hes really picky and doenst eat anything. Just rice, sausage and maccaroni. But were slowly changing that. Our family are like otters. We love to swim. So when he has time hell defenitly ask my dad to go to the lake or pool. I love him.
My cat- Well hes a siamese cat. Bright blue eyes which is everyones favorite part.
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He is literally the best cat ever. Fight me. Hes so loving and always wants attention. He comes cuddle up to you and when youre sick or sad hes there for you. I say that hes a gymnast, chicken, cow, cat, dog and otter. Gymnast- his poses are like yoga and he looks broken. Chicken- Sits in a chicken pose. Cow- eats grass. Dog- likes taking walks outside. Otter- because when hes laying down with his tail straight he looks like an otter. You can hear his screams 10 miles aways when hes cranky or hungry. But anyways hes the best.
My dads girlfriend- Karolina Baltrušyte. 5,5-5,6. Beautiful brown hair. And brown eyes.
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She is really really nice and caring. Really stubborn and a germaphobe but that's okay. She really likes our family and really try's to help us and me. When I need a woman figure by my side I know she's there. She has helped my dad so much and are perfect together. Im happy she came into our lives.
My family- We went through a lot. But Ill never want to change a thing. Im so blessed to call these people mom, dad and brother. To have them by my side. I love them. With all my heart. ❤️