Well here I'm going to introduce my bestfriends including my squad. These are the people that I genuinely thank because I wouldn't be where I am today without each one of them. My squad: Anthony- Anthony is my first bestfriend since I moved to America.
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His personality is all over the place. He's the most dirty minded, sarcastic person but also the most caring and geniune. When you first meet him he may seem cold and an asshole no offense. But actually he's been really caring towards me. Since day one he was by my side thick and thin. He wouldn't let me cry so he would always do his best to make me laugh with his sarcastic and dirty jokes. And I'm very sure that well be bestfriends for a long time. Thank you for everything.
Elizabeth- I had some bad blood against her at first. I was jealous like I adressed earlier in the story. But now she is my bestfriend. My little sister.
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This person right here has the biggest heart. She always tries her best to do the good thing. And is always there for everyone in the squad. I don't know why but I feel like I have to protect her at all costs. Im attached to her like sister love. When I see her in pain or in trouble I want to help her the best I can. And she does the same for me. We can be completely ourselves when were together and do total nonsense that's how close we are. I love her.
Edson- Welp this boy owns my heart.
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