My past relationships

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Okay so here's going to be people I want to say a special thank you too. Because saying that they are trash and all that is immature. Because at one point they all were big parts of my life.

Name: Ignas Ališauskas
Age(when dated): 11-12
How long lasted: 1 month
Why ended: To immature to take such responsibility of..
Description: Well okay we "dated" twice. First time we were babiess. Literally in what 5th grade haha. So I don't really have what to say because it was not even official i guess. We just admitted that we liked each other and that's it. We were in the same class. I liked him because I thought he was cute. So clichee eww. And funny. When we talked we could joke around and be honest to each other. For a damn 5th grader he was caring. But my clinginess got to him so he kinda ghosted me oop. So that was a bit sad. "First heartbreak". After 2 months I moved to America. So after 3 months I got a text and my heart skipped a beat it was him. So we started talking again. And getting really close. I was in 7th grade then. Then he admitted he liked me and after 3 days i did so too. I think i more missed someones love and the memories we had more than himself. So that lasted 3 months. He was super caring and we had a really good bond. But I broke up with him. Because I couldnt deal with the long distance and I was dealing with depression that I didn't want to push on him. So we both agreed that's what's best. Today were still friends I hangout with him and some friends over the summer so it was nice. I believe that he still has some feelings for me so I wish that he can move on and have the best.

Name: Denny Lara Malagon
Age(when dated): 13
How long lasted: 5-6 months
Why ended: Long distance and drifted apart.
Description: Okay so this is my longest relationship so far as the day im writing this(which will change in 5 days with my current boyfriend) but yeah. I can say this was my first serious relationship that I took a sense of responsibility and commitment in. Welp as in my earlier chapter "America" you read most of how we met as friends. At the time he was dating my bestfriend Sio. And she introduced us too each other. We became bestfriends and had an amazing bond immediately after texting the first day. I was really happy for Sio and Denny. But they broke up. And 2-3 weeks after he asked me out. Well I got really overwhelming happy but cried at the same time. I didn't know what to say because he was Sio ex boyfriend. And she was still in pain. But i betrayed her and agreed to date him. Me and Sio had really bad blood during that time and I don't blame her. I felt really bad and still do this day. But I was really happy. Me and Denny got really close and fell in love if you can say that. Over the months we laughed and made amazing memories. I met his family he met mine. I was really shy so when he would hug me I would turn bright red and he would always tease me. We used my language as our secret language. We would goof around and joke all the time. When I found out he was moving 30 mins away from me and not going to the same school or high school, i got beart broken. I know what long distance can do and it just hurt really bad. I cried many times but he convinced me everything is going to be okay. For that reason I was so naive and committed that I got us long distance relationship bracelets. And that helped to convince me that well get through it. I was so worried that I even asked my dad to move. But of course we didn't. I was battling with Depression and he was there for me the best way he could every second. He reassured me when I needed it most and made me laugh. When we hit 4-5 months the spark started to fade away. We still had a good bond but not the same as the start. When I went to Europe for the summer we really started drifting apart. My clinginess got really bad because I wanted him by my side at all times. That made him want space of his own even more. And 1 month of my stay in Europe we got into fights. The fact that it was over the phone was even wrose. 2 days after i asked if he has anything he wants to open up and he said "I think well break up soon". Welp at the moment my heart shattered. I felt betrayed, lied to, alone... i asked if he wants to break up now and he kept answering with "idk". I begged him to stay but he still said idk. I couldn't bare to date someone knowing that they had the thought of breaking up so I said it done. I ended it. And asked how he feels "im okay because my friends are making me feel better". I found out he was laughing and playing with his friends. Which made me furious and hurt. At that moment I started hating myself and didn't know how to move on. I was so depressed I stopped eating, cried all the time and had really bad thoughts. After 2 weeks I asked if he wants to get back together and his answer was obviously no. So i tried to be friends but that hurt me even more. So i stopped myself talking to him. I blocked him and just completely tried to earase all the memories. Obviously that barely worked. I couldn't find myself to move on. I didn't want to face the truth. I sometimes missed him I wondered how hes doing. But my friends wanted me to move on so they didn't let me to talk to him. Over the year my pain went away I continued living my life and got into a better mental state. After a year of completely not talking to him I texted about the bracelet. If I can get it back anytime soon. And he said sure ill look for it. A month after that we started texting more. And became friends. Today we are bestfriends again. I realize that I mistreated him in the past and we both were in the wrong. So now thank you Denny for helping me learn to be a better person. Today I learned that I fully moved on. And I like us as being bestfriends. I think that's better. So yeah I don't regret those 6 months because I learned alot. And still have a bestfriend. Thank you Denny I'm glad we found a healthy friendship and putting the past behind us.

Name: Anthony Herrera
Age(when dated): 13-14
How long lasted: 2 weeks
Why ended: Better as friends
Description: Yeah people say "how the tables have turned". My crush from last year admitted he liked me. This brought me absolute joy and those feelings back. But It was one of the hardest desicions to make. Which shouldn't have been. He dated my bestfriend Diana for 8months. Yeah same situation as Denny and Sio. I agreed... I really really liked him. He has helped me so much that I couldn't type to reject him. I cried all day and night long. I knew that ill never gain my trust from Diana just like Sio. I did the same horrible thing again. I didn't learn... I regret those desicions and today I promised myself ill never do it again. But yeah I was so happy that I had him closer than a bestfriend. I was having horrible issues with Diana tho. And still knew they had a connection so I kept overthinking and getting upset over it. Anthony didn't want to see me like that so he decided to end it. Yeah it was just two weeks. I don't even know how to say because it was such a short amount of time. I'm greatful that I could understand it wasn't meant to be. And learned a lot. He was really loving and caring towards me. Still is. He still made me really happy. But I think bestfriends is what's best for us two. So yeah he's dating Sarah and how I said my heart literally melts seeing them together. And I have Edson. We're both really really happy. And speaking of the chapter about me and Edson is coming really soon. So wait for that.

Here are my past relationships. How I said in the start I don't regret dating them. They are all good people. They all treated me the best they could. And they all made me happy. I'm glad I still have them as my friends and wish them the best. Thank you...

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