First Day

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As I opened my eyes on the first day of class, my senses were greeted by the warm yellow shades of sun gleefully invading the windows of my room. I felt the warmth of the beam on my face and I felt perfectly rested for this big day. Today was the day I started my academic career at UA in the hero course, Class 1-A.

I jumped out of bed and dug threw my closet grabbing the pieces that made up my uniform. As I finished getting ready I let myself linger on my appearance in the mirror. My eyes darted to my legs that sprouted out from under my skirt, they were long and had a slight shade of tan. I then focused on my waist, it slightly inched in giving my body a slight hourglass shape and complimented my wider set hips. I had what I thought to be an average-sized chest. My body was tucked beneath my UA uniform. I was thankful for the jacket that seemed to be a half size to big allowing breathing room for me. I then tussled my long thick curly hair it came down to where my belly button was. It was a dark shade of black like my uncles. I put it up in a ponytail leaving two strands to frame my face. But the most peculiar part of my natural appearance was my eyes. They were a shade of yellow, I liked to think they were honey gold, they were vibrant and bright but they also use to be part of my worst insecurity. My quirk.

My quirk sprouted from my eyes when I was a child. I was only four years old when I accidentally stopped my mother in her tracks. According to her, I was in the kitchen with her when she slipped on water on the floor while holding a pot of boiling water. As she barreled towards me with boiling water on accident, I began to panic but I could only stare at her with my arms in front of me. Without realizing I froze her in time. The water that was falling from the pot froze as well as floating in the air in motionless suspension. I ran away from her and when I left the room she continued in time, her and water fell as if I had never stopped them. She called it a flash-freeze and always told me that's why my eyes didn't look like hers or my dad's. They were rooted in my quirk.

My mind wandered back to my sweet mother she had a useful quirk that allowed her to increase or decrease the force of a moving object just by touching it. Even though my uncle encouraged her, she never wanted to be a hero. She wanted to protect others in a different legal way, she became a police officer instead. I felt my heart flutter as I put on the necklace my mother gave me for my seventh birthday "A honeycomb for you Hachimitsu, my little honey bee, I love you so much," I missed her so damn much. She and my father passed away in a tragic accident when I was just seven years old. I missed her every day. Ever since then, I was taken in by my Uncle Shouta Aizawa. He was my mother's brother and had a quirk similar to me, which comforted me in some ways.

"Hachi!" I heard from across the flat. "We're going to be late if you don't hurry. It would be irrational to make you and your teacher late on the first day." Uncle Shouta yelled. I was snapped back to reality and I scurried to grab my things for school. I slipped on my black shoes and dashed to the kitchen. I grabbed an apple and met my uncle at the door. He was in his usual attire of a black ninja suit, yellow goggles, and his trademark scarf. He looked exhausted, he always looked exhausted I thought to myself. My uncle was none other than pro-hero Eraserhead, and unfortunately, he was also going to be my homeroom teacher. This was a slight setback when I found out I was admitted but I couldn't pass up the opportunity to be in the top hero course class for freshmen-- even if that meant lying about my family and seeing my uncle all day every day.

"Uncle Shouta, don't forget that I am going to stop for coffee before class near the school. I don't want to be seen walking to school with my teacher, and much less have to explain that you're my legal guardian. So let's please keep it between us? I want a fresh start here." I said looking at him with big puppy dog eyes as we walked together.

"That's logical. I agree we will keep it between us." He said flatly That's a solid yes! Nice!

"You have to tell Uncle Mic and Auntie Midnight though, I can't have any suspicion. Thanks, Uncle Shouta! Love you!" I called back to him as a took a left turn veering from his path and into a coffee shop. I looked back to see him visibly grumble and sigh. He'll take care of it. I approached the counter and ordered a small iced coffee. As I waited for my drink, I got more and more excited about the class.

"Teruhashi!" the barista called out. I nodded and grabbed my drink and headed for campus.

As I entered the classroom I saw my uncle cuddled in one of his yellow sleeping bags. Typical. I looked at the chart on the door with our seat arrangements. Seat number nine. I looked back at the chart one more time to see who I was seated around when I noticed a name strongly familiar to me. Tenya? I should've known he'd be here, and early of course. He looks different than I remember, it's only been a year and a half. He's tall and muscular now. He really grew into himself.

As I walked to my desk, I saw him sitting there. My vague childhood friend, Tenya Iida. "Hachimitsu Teruhashi! It's been so long, and so nice to see you. I should have expected someone as strong as you would have made it to UA." He stood up and greeted me with a hand on my shoulder and smile. "I see your uniform is in immaculate shape. How are you? I see your un--" I panic and put my hands over his mouth.

"Shhhhh Tenya, I don't want anyone to know! I don't want them to treat me any differently than you." I whispered frantically. Thank goodness we're alone in here. I remove my hands from Tenya's face, his face is brushed with rouge. That was rude I shouldn't have touched him without asking. "Sorry Tenya" He looked away sharply. We used to play as kids, that's how it started at least. My parents would leave me with the Iida's to work. Then after they died my uncle began working with Ingenium more and on those occasions I saw Tenya then too. We kept in touch until a year and a half ago.

"No, I am sorry, I will respect your wishes Hachimitsu." He was so formal.

"You know that you can just call me Hachi," I say with a smile. "How long have we known each other after all?" I laughed and took my seat. More students began to walk into the room. I watched as they slowly filtered in. A tall boy with spiked ash-blond hair caught my eye. He gave off aggressive energy. Uncle is not going to like that. He sat down and put his feet on the desk, of course, Tenya began to grill him for his manners.

I looked back to the door, a few more students filtered in. I saw a boy with fluffy green hair come into the room. He had a bubbly bouncy aura about him. That aura was tainted the second he saw the spikey blond. I wonder what's happening there. Following him was a bubbly girl with big brown eyes and a short brown haircut. She seemed so nice.

The bell rang and everyone took their seats. Uncle got up from his sleeping bag and stood in front of the class sleepily. He took a breath and held a stern voice "Good morning, My name is Shouta Aizawa, pro hero Eraserhead. I will be your sensei. The orientation is pointless and nothing but sentimental. Thus, we will be changing into our workout wear and taking a quirk physical test." He took a long pause. "The person to place last will be expelled. You have five minutes to change. and 3 to meet me outside," I saw the boy with the fluffy green hair panic. Bold, but I'm not surprised. Its on-brand for you uncle. Mom always said you were a tough one.

I darted to change and ran out to the training field. I began to stretch and everyone followed suit. Let's see how this goes.


1576 Words

WOw I am sOOO happy to finally write this story. It has been on my brain for a long while. SOrry for all the exposition. I promise it'll pick up with more 1-A characters next chapter. Also for context, Hachimitsu Teruhashi is made up of the symbols that mean Honeybee and Shining brightly. At least that's what I was going for!

I hope you guys liked it!!!

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