A Long Night

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 I am so fucking exhausted. This has been the longest week of my life. I got home finally from the hospital. I walked inside to our cozy little flat. It was mostly plain save for the plants around the house, those were my personal touches. Along with pretty much all the decor. The only thing of Uncle Shouta's was the pair of goggles that were in a shadowbox. Those hung up above the chase sofa we had near the bay window. It was my uncle's favorite spot in the house. It was where he rested after a long day, cleared his mind, drank his morning coffee, and most of all napped. It looked so inviting. Uncle Mic dropped me off and told me he had to run a few errands and do some paperwork. He said he would be back in the morning to walk with me to campus and that he would check up on me. So much for Uncle's instructions. Fine by me I could use some alone time after this week. 

I went to my room to shower and change. My body hurt as if I had just trained for 36 hours non stop. Each muscle felt like I had stretched it past its limit and ran on it for miles. The hot water felt amazing against my skin. I stood there for a while taking it all in. Everything got so complicated after this week. I just need to relax. As I got out of the shower I wrapped myself in my towel and began to comb through my wet soft hair. I split my hair in half and worked my hair cream through it. I then braided each side into a french braid. I went into the hallway from my bathroom when my stomach began to grumble. I can't remember the last time I ate. No one is home I can roam around. I then went straight to the kitchen. I opened the fridge to find Uncle had leftover Katsudon in the fridge. I put it in the microwave to heat. I began to walk to my room to change when I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror of the hall. It was the first time I saw myself since the incident. 

There it was, no one told me. The handprint of the Shigaraki. It was a hand-shaped bruise around my neck. My necklace was gone too. In all the commotion and confusion I had lost it somewhere. No no no that was the last thing I had from my mother. I began to panic. The air felt thin and I couldn't see straight. I felt physically sick. Maybe Recovery Girl can help me. But its 10 pm. I went for water but my hands were shaking. It was then there was a knock at the door. 

I took a breath and tried my best to compose myself. I peeked from the window and saw 

Bakugo?!  What the hell is he doing here?

I swung the door open to see him standing there. He looked away and didn't make eye contact, his face was just as crimson as his eyes. I looked down and realized why. I was still in my towel. 

"GAH sorry! Come in! I just finished showering. I'll go to change! I left the door open and darted to my room. I quickly threw on PJ pants and a tank top and came back out. He was sitting on the sofa waiting for me. 

"Can I help you? How did you find out I lived here?" I asked hesitantly. I walked over to him and took down the picture of my uncle and me from the hallway. Hopefully, he didn't see it. 

"I asked that nerd class rep. I have this, I found this stupid thing on the floor at the USJ attack. It was on where the villains had stood. I remember seeing you wear it. I figured I'd bring it back or whatever. Here" He opened up his hand to reveal my necklace. 

I started to cry. Sob actually. I sat down next to him and he looked baffled. Like he wasn't sure what to do. I grabbed the necklace from his hand and I leaned into his chest. I didn't really care if this weirded him out. I just needed a friend and a hug. He isn't the type. Grow up Hachi, you don't need to do this. Surprisingly, he put an arm around me and let me lay there. 

I sat up aggressively and wiped my eyes and face. "I'm sorry, that was uncalled for forgive me. This has been a horrible week. Thank you for my necklace, it is really important to me. It was a gift from my mother." I stood up and bowed my head at him as an apology. 

"I won't tell anyone if you won't. I don't need those extras thinking I'm soft or something." He said. Why is he being so nice? I insulted him and made a fool of him earlier this week. Is this pity or arrogance? Suddenly I was mad. 

"Why are you being so nice to me? Is this some pity damsel in distress thing for you?" I asked sharply. 

"Tch. I tried to be nice and I get shit on in return. I felt bad. You went into battle and conquered your enemies before I could. You saved Aizawa Sensei, battled the main villain. I only got in the way of Thirteen and All Might. When I saw the necklace I knew it was yours then I heard about your injuries. I thought you might need help. Iida told me your parents weren't around now so I figured you could use some company after today. But if you want me to go Ill piss off." He got up to leave. 

"Wait-" I grabbed his hands. "I'm sorry please stay. I'll get you a cup of tea." I got him a cup of tea and we sat on the sofa and talked. He was nice when he wasn't yelling or trying to kill others. He told me about his family and his relationship with Midoriya. Well, sort of. He told me about how Midoriya seemed quirkless his whole life the suddenly he had this amazing power. Odd. He asked about my family and I froze. 

"Well, I don't like to talk about it much. It's a sore subject." I said quietly. He nodded acknowledging my wishes. He leaned in and touched my neck softly. Tracing this bruise with his fingers. "I'm sorry I wasn't able to help you more." He quietly said to me. His hand softly left my neck and clenched into a fist. I closed my eyes to think but could one feel like the villain's hand was still enclosed around my neck. The air became tight again, my vision blurred, I felt like I was going to sob and vomit all at the same time. He saw what was starting to happen. He patted my back and told me to breathe. But I couldn't. He grabbed my shoulders and looked into my eyes, "There is no one here to hurt you. You are safe. Everyone is safe. Breathe. Look around tell me four things you can see" 

"I see you, my necklace, uncle's books, and the walls." I started to breathe. 

"Tell me three things you can feel," He said calmly. 

"Your hands, my pajamas, the couch" I was beginning to feel better. 

"Now, two things you can smell," he ordered

"Pinewood, and clean laundry," I said softly. Looking up at him. He smells amazing. 

"Do you feel better?" He asked. I nodded and hugged him as a thank you. "I didn't know you could be this nice. Katsuki

"Tch. Whatever. Where's your bathroom?" I pointed to the room down the hall and he excused himself and went along. I got up and remembered my Katsudon. I took it out of the microwave and sat down waiting patiently for him to come out. I took a bite. Oh my god, I have never felt so hungry in my whole life. Bakugo came out from the bathroom. He slinked his way back towards me. 

"So where are your parents really? I don't see any photos anywhere. There's a second room, so you obviously don't live alone. Plus how could you, were only 15." I gulped. He couldn't know of all people. I didn't trust him that much. 

"I live with a relative. It's none of your business. It's late. Maybe you should get going. Don't want your folks to worry." I said calmly. 

"Tch. Whatever, I'll see you in class Teruhashi" He said as he walked to the door. He used my name. 

"See you in class, Blasty," I said to him back with a smile. 

"Tell anyone about this and I'll deny it. Especially Deku." He said as he walked away. 

While it was unexpected it was nice to have some company for a while. I went to my room to sleep but found myself restless. Every time I closed my eyes I could only see the villain and feel his hand on my neck. I needed some fresh air. I grabbed a book and went to uncle's chair. I missed him and I was worried. I opened the window a bit and laid there to read for a while until I fell asleep on his chase sofa cuddled with a book and his black blanket. 

What a week it had been.


1611 Words

This was not my fave but it was alright. 

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