Battle Trials

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I stepped out to ground beta feeling a tad self-conscious. This was the first time in my hero costume.

I liked the idea of my suit. I had fun when drawing it up for school. It has a balance of covert cover and shine for the media. I wore a long-sleeve black crop top. The sides were a shimmering gold material while the center was matte black save the hexagonal cutout on my chest. The cut out was lined in the same shimmering gold material from the sleeves. My midriff was exposed I paired it with skin-tight black shorts that had small webbed fishnet tights underneath. My boots were both heeled and platformed the bottoms were painted gold along with the heel they came up and covered my knee. My personal favorite piece was the black mask I wore across my eyes. The final touch was my utility belt that had first aid supplies, mace, and a collapsible staff among other things. My long curly hair was pinned half up into a bun leaving only two curly locks in front framing my face. 

The design on paper seemed so bold I loved it but now wearing it in front of my classmates made me blush a bit. I put a hand on my necklace I always wore, it was sort of like a safety blanket. I had walked out last and saw Tenya waving to me next to Midoriya and Uraraka. I walked over to them but slipped halfway there and knocked right into Kirishima and Bakugo. I caught myself on Bakugo's arm as he stared at me.
"Tch. Watch where you're going damn extra." He grunted. I saw a bit of red on his cheeks and I panicked to rush over to my friends. This costume was supposed to make me feel confident but now I wasn't so sure. Bakugo came towards our group and started yelling at Midoriya. "YOU BETTER TRY, YOU USELESS DEKU! I'LL SHOW YOU HOW USELESS YOU ARE!"

"That isn't very nice, Blasty," I said without thinking. The boy in green shrunk in place as he heard what I said.

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST CALL ME LOSER?!?" He screamed at me. As he lunged, small explosions flickering in his hands. I glanced over and activated my quirk. He froze, but only rage seeped from him.

"I called you Blasty. Short and aggressive like your temper apparently. I hate to use my quirk this loosely, but I hate bullies more. I won't keep doing this if you chill the hell out. What do you say Blasty?" I smile at him. I walked away and released my quirk. God my eyes are starting to sting.

Where I was standing before was now erupting in an explosion. "Mind your business loser, I'll call that Deku whatever I want. Don't get in my way again extra" He barks in a low growl.

After the rotation was announced again, we were allowed to go to a viewing room to watch the battles or talk strategy. Since I was last, I decided to watch the first few battles. The first match was Midoriya and Uraraka vs. Bakugo and Tenya. Harsh match up.

I watched as the round began, it started off fine until Midoriya and Bakugo began to fight in the building. There were explosions left and right. It even went so far when Bakugo let out a collective grenade shot. Too aggressive. I was surprised Uncle A didn't swoop in. I then saw Tenya trying his best to commit to the role of the villains, he always was a try-hard. The fight culminated in a large battle by the bomb. After a huge uppercut into the air from Midoriya causing massive damage through the facility. Uraraka improvises and manages to get the bomb in hand, securing the win.

The match was intense but left me wondering what the history between the two boys was. They had such conflicts, and Bakugo was hellbent on bullying Midoriya relentlessly. I need to think about myself right now. I need to talk to Sato. I'm playing a villain after all.

I went over to Sato and asked him to go strategize. He nodded and we discussed our quirks and decided I would guard the missile to help run out the clock. While he would go out and stave off the heroes. We agreed on the strategy and I went back to watching matches. went to the briefing room where this chaotic match was discussed brilliantly by Yao-momo. Ultimately the MVP of this round was Tenya. He looked honored and flabbergasted to be named the strongest member. He's adorable when he loosens up.

I didn't have time to think about that right now. I raced down the hall noticing that I was the next match. I grabbed Sato and headed to the waiting queue.

I was going to succeed. I was determined

A few moments later, Sato and I began running into the building where the missile was we diverged paths and I ran to guard and defend. I reached into my utility belt and pulled out my collapsible staff. I heard a slipping sound, Ashido. Then with a shnnk sound, I let out my staff preparing for combat. She kept low and stayed behind pillars. Smart, if I can't see you I can't freeze you.

It was then I saw a flash of pink and purple and I swung out my staff where I thought she would be next but I froze it for a slight second then kept swinging the now frozen item. As I made contact with unsuspecting Ashido, I unfroze the staff sending Ashido flying with large force towards a wall. Leaving the wall tattered and cracked. I looked out and saw Aoyama's naval laser fighting with Sato. I just need to run out the timer. Or immobilize her. I thought through what was in my utility belt. There wasn't much that was acid-resistant. I have an idea. Here goes. I ran over to mina who was now catching her breath she stood in defense to fight. I lowered my stance and swung again as a misdirection. She dodged as I thought, I kicked as hard as I could from my stance meeting Ashido's ribs in surprise. She slammed into a pillar now connecting them. I froze her and the pillar with my quirk. I took out wire twine from my belt and wrapped it around her and the pillar. I unfroze them for a second and instead froze the twine she was connected too. A smaller target to hold focus on. See I could freeze something and as long as I kept my focus on that item and didn't blink it stayed frozen. I hear a yelp from downstairs and suddenly the buzzer goes off. "Both Aoyama and Ashido have been neutralized. Villains win." I hear All Might Sensei say.

I high-five Sato in the brief room. "Nice work buddy!" I say with a smile.

"You too Teruhashi! I like your hero suit by the way. It fits you..r personality well." He said with a smile. Well, that was uncomfortable.

"Uh, thanks, Sato." I said as I walked away slowly.

Back in the classroom, we were discussing what we learned from today's assignment with each other. Midoriya finally walked in battered and bruised with his arm in a sling. Everyone was finally getting to know each other and talk. I was speaking with the group around me as we all greeted Midoriya. He asked where Bakugo was and darted after him. We couldn't all help but watch from the windows. Their exchange was heated, for sure.


1250 Words

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