Sports Festival Pt. 1

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A few days later, my alarm went off like normal, only I had been awake for thirty minutes already. I was so excited and nervous all at the same time. I can do this, there is no way that I can't do this.

I hopped out of bed and got changed. Today we could arrive in our gym uniforms. I slipped into mine but put a pair of boots similar to the ones my costume have.

I grabbed my duffle bag and packed things I thought I would need and darted to the kitchen. Uncle Shouta was in his corner looking out the open window sipping his coffee. "Are you ready for today?" He said through his bandages.

I went over and sat down with him on the chaise sofa. I leaned into his lap. "I'm nervous. What if I am not good enough?" I said as I took his coffee from him. Taking a sip.

"You're right. Maybe you aren't. You are only as good as you tell yourself you are. If you doubt yourself you'll fumble. You need to take a deep breath and forget about the what if's. Just do the thing you're scared to do. No hesitation. Just like at the USJ"
He said calmly, grabbing his cup back from me. I took in what uncle had told me and took a deep breath.

"Thanks Uncle Sho, I needed that. Are you excited to be presenting with Uncle Mic today?" I said with a smirk.

"There's nothing more annoying than Hizashi with full commentary abilities. I don't even know why I am commenting." He said flatly.

"You'll be great too! Just take a breath and do the thing you're scared of!" I said with a laugh getting ready to leave for class. I was still early but I wanted to jog there to warm up. I kissed uncle on the cheek and ran out the door.


I got to the gate of campus and walked in slowly cooling off. Ahead of me we're some of my classmates, Kirishima, Mina, Sero, Kaminari, and Bakugo walking slightly behind them. They were all talking about the festival. I darted past them not looking in their direction. I finally made it to the main arena we were scheduled to be in. I found some of my other classmates waiting around to start the games too. I walked over to them and we talked for a while. Finally, as everyone gathered I found my usual group of friends. Uraraka and Deku were having a small conversation as Tenya walked quietly beside them. I walked over to him and smiled "Are you ready Tenya? Do you think Tensei is watching?" I said putting a hand on his arm. 

"I am excited yes, but I'm afraid that Tensei had to leave early for his mission in Hosu, he is already working. I doubt he is watching." He said sternly. 

"I'm sorry to hear that," I said gently. With that, Midnight began explaining the games and how it was going to work. 

"And the first game will be... an obstacle course!" The siren went off and we all bolted for the gate. It was crowded and everyone was shuffling through. This is the first obstacle. But should I show off my quirk yet? I decided if I ran between the people fast enough as a low enough range I could make it through easier. Here goes nothing. I froze my boots and pushed off I blinked and was sent shooting forwards. I knocked a few people down in my speed but that was what had to happen. As I bolted through the tunnel I saw that I was not the only one who had an idea similar, Yao-momo, and a few others also evaded the attack. I jumped in the air with the same technique just in time. Todoroki had frozen the grown behind us solid. I avoided the attack and tried to come down as hard as possible breaking ice under my feet. I tried to run on the ice and saw that was pointless. Suddenly, giant robots from the entrance exam came shuffling at us. I ducked an avoided as best as I could. I chose a smaller robot to freeze, i ran and kicked at him with both my legs as hard as I could. I blinked and sent it flying into the other bots in front. Todoroki had a huge lead. I need to catch up. I kept running after him I was around 4th place. Bakugo had gained an incredible speed trying to catch Shoto. We then arrived at the next challenge rope to scale across over a canyon. Cool screw the safety of the kids then, I see no net. I had a considerable gap of room from the others behind me and in front of me. I ran and froze the line of rope, I landed and sent the rope downwards I blinked and the ropes force sprung up flinging me forwards. 

I was always told that my quirk would make mobility hard. Guess not, I ran forwards as hard as I could. I was still far behind the other two. If I can just make it out of here in the top 5 I should be fine. I don't want to overuse my quirk. I then reached the next obstacle. Seriously!? A minefield!  I then saw how I had to be extremely careful while crossing. I tried to run with my head down ready to freeze any explosion I set off. I did my best to maneuver around them. I got about halfway when I set one-off. I tried to freeze it but I couldn't manage in time. The explosions were filled with pink dust disrupting my vision. I flew forwards and was able to land on my feet. I ran trying to avoid them still when I heard a massive explosion. 

Above me, emerging from a giant oink explosion was Midoriya on the panel of one of the robots. He was sent flying and I could see Todoroki and Bakugo scream and aim for him. In one swift move, Midoryia kicked them both down and crossed the finish line. Leaving the other two to come in behind him. I finally finished the race and managed to take 4th place. Not too bad. I was finally able to take a breather. I reached into my bra and took out my eye drops. I refreshed my eyes and rubbed them shut to rest. 

Later as everyone finished, Midnight announced the next event. A cavalry battle huh? I need to pick a smart team. Midnight then explained the point system. Midoriya was worth an obscene amount of points. As we dispersed to form teams, I looked around trying to gather my thoughts. Then I was approached by two people at the same time. I was stunned to see both Todoroki and Bakugo looking at me both extending a hand. 

"Teruhashi, join my group. Play defenses." Todoroki said with Tenya and Momo in tow. 

"Hey, Pause Button! Get your shitty ass over here. Join my group." Bakugo barked. 

I looked at both of them. There is no right answer. Bakugo is hot-headed and I can't be his babysitter. But Shoto has a vendetta against Deku that can't end well. But I also need to advance. 

I looked at them both. 

I grabbed Shoto's hand and looked at Bakugo, "I'm sorry." I mouth over to him. I then walk over to talk game strategy with the team. Momo looks my shoes up and down and creates a pair similar that have wheels on the bottom and makes a pair of rollerskates for herself. Shoto decided that Tenya would be the front, Momo on the right-wing and me on the left-wing. Tenya worked for our mobility, Momo and I played the role of defense. Momo could make weapons and tools to help. She created a staff for me to use on the sides as well. I worked to immobilize our enemies to make securing the headbands easier. 

We got adjusted and prepared to go, the siren rang through and we bolted to Midoriya. Before we could reach him, his group boosted off into the air. "Plan B!" Shoto shouted. We immediately took a 180 and headed for the class B opponents. We managed to steal away a few headbands from the other groups. We had about 3 headbands and the time began to run thin. We finally ran to catch Midoryia. "I'll be taking that now," said Shoto. He is so dramatic. 

Tenya then spoke up. "I am going to do something that will make me useless to you, please ensure our victory. Hold on tight!" He yelled as he burned his engines brighter and hotter. We zoomed past Midoriya in a blink of an eye and Shoto was able to grab the headband. The look of intensity on Deku's face was startling suddenly our groups were hurdling at each other full force. There was a moment of heat as I felt Shoto using is fireside. Amongst all the commotion the siren sounded marking the end of the match. I saw Bakugo face first in the pavement next to us. 

The teams that advanced were our team, Midoriya's team (turns out he managed to get a few headbands from us), Bakugo's team, and team Shinso. That intense purple-haired guy. We were then told that the next round would be a bracket-style one on one tournament. Midnight then put the bracket on the screen. I was facing Shiozaki, the girl with the vines for hair. This is going to be interesting. 


1637 Words

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