The Walk to Class.

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A few days later, I woke up like normal and got dressed. I can't believe I ran away like that the other day. Why didn't I just smile and walk? That had to look panicked. Oh well. I looked into the mirror one last time before putting my hair in a signature ponytail. My curls looked best down but it just wasn't practical. I left two pieces of my hair out to frame my face and with that, I head to the kitchen.

Uncle Aizawa was standing there still in his nightclothes sipping his coffee. "You're up early," he said flatly.

"I wanted to get to campus early this morning. I'm meeting Midoriya at the coffee shop on the way." I looked at the clock. "I'm running late, I'll see you in class" I took a step and grabbed an apple. Suddenly, Uncle Aizawa stepped in front of me and the doorway calmy with his hair raised and red eyes. Ugh, he only does this to be intimidating, I'm not even using my quirk.

"What are you going to campus early for? Why with Midoriya?" he said with his arms crossed.

"He wanted to talk about my quirk, and I made him my friend yesterday. Along with Uraraka. Something wrong?" I say half-interested.

"No," He said clearing his throat and lowering his hair. "He placed last and broke bones to pass-- barely-- he is extremely behind. Be careful, take workout shoes."

"Love you too Uncle Shouta," I said with a smile and rushed out of the flat. I sped walk to the coffee shop since Uncle Shouta made me run late. I'm excited. Midoriya is nice at least. He's adorable like a green puppy. I was looking down at my phone while trying to find a song to listen too while I walk when I bumped into someone. I looked up to see white and red hair. Shoot. "Teruhashi, I didn't see you there."

"Hey, Todoroki! Sorry I wasn't looking. I'll leave you be." I took a long step forwards.

"Teruhashi wait," He called after me. For a split second, I debated pretending not to hear. But I stopped.

"Yeah, Todoroki?" I said with a smile.

"Do you happen to remember me at all? From before UA?" He said inquisitively

Of course, I do. How could anyone forget someone like you? "Vaguely. Did we meet somewhere before? Maybe we've been to the same coffee shop?"

"Mind if I walk with you?" He asked.

"Sure, but I'm meeting Midoriya on the way if that's okay with you?" I said.

He nodded calmly and began walking beside me. It was silent for a while as I put my headphones in my pocket. "Do you remember the small park in Naruhata? There were blossom trees and a small pond by the playground?"

"Yeah I do, when I was little I use to go there with my parents when I would go visit my uncle. I haven't been there in a few years." I said while looking into his eyes.
"Do you remember playing there as a child with me?" He asked quietly. 

"Yes, I realized that when I saw your eyes. They had the same sadness as before. Once, when I was six, I went to the park by myself while my parents visited my uncle. I fell in the pond while playing, I couldn't swim. I called out for help but I didn't see anyone. Suddenly, I see a small blot of red and white coming towards me and hand-pulled me out. I couldn't forget eyes like those. It was you." I could never forget that day. A huge man with sharp red hair and icy blue eyes came after and helped me out. I looked over at Todoroki. Calm and stoic as ever.

"I couldn't ever forget yours," he said in his monotone voice. "You were the first person I saved. The only reason I ever saw my dad smile. We played in the park together after that." He looked over to me for the first time and opened his mouth again to speak. He was cut off by my opening of the cafe doors. There was a Midoriya sitting at a table waiting for us. He got up and met us in line to order.

"Hey Todoroki, I didn't know you were coming," Deku said with a nervous smile.

"Is it alright that I did?" he quietly questions. I finish ordering my coffee and pay. I look over to Midoryia "Sorry I should have texted you. We bumped into each other on the way. Literally" two boys ordered and I sat back down at the table waiting. Why I do feel so nervous? Should I talk to Todoroki later about it? Man, how long until class? The boys sit down and Midoriya takes out his notebook.

"So Hachi, I noticed that you stopped Kaminari midair. He didn't remember what happened to him. but he didn't speed up like the ball you threw. How does that work? Do you change the trajectory or do you change the density? That seems either like a secondary variation of your quirk or maybe just a strong application. But that means that you have been training long be--"

"Midoriya!" I shout at him.

"Sorry, that happens sometimes" He chuckles his face redder than a tomato.

"I guess I'll just explain. But let's walk and talk? Don't want to be late. Tenya isn't always the most gracious when someone is late." We left the cafe and started our walk.

"My quirk is called Flash Freeze. It allows me to freeze anything living or non-living in time. Sometimes the person is conscious while frozen sometimes they remember nothing. I'm not sure what triggers that or how to control that aspect. However, when I move something I froze I can change its velocity. Thus, the ball. Does that answer your question?" I gather air, such a mouthful. Midoriya is silent and scribbling in his notebook. Todoroki is just looking at me,

"That is a powerful quirk, sort of flashy. But that must make combat hard." Midoriya piped up.

"What about your quirks?" I ask. I felt a little embarrassed. I shouldn't share so much. There were rankings.

We discussed their quirks for a while as we walked. Both were interesting, Todoroki refused his left side. While Midoriya quirk destroyed his body. So much about them, I don't know.

We finally reached the classroom, along the back wall of the classroom, were cases with our corresponding seat numbers on them. Aizawa Sensei was writing the words Combat Group Work on the board. This'll be fun.

"Grab your case and change will be doing some practical work this morning with a guest lecture."

"I am here making a normal entrance!" in walked All Might, smile on his face like always.

"Today you will work in pairs of villains versus heroes. The objective is for the heroes to secure the bomb object from villains. We have set you up in pairs..." I began to half-listen until I heard my placement on Team F with Sato. We went last in the lineup. I'm more excited to see everyone else. Bakugo and Iida? Well, that's an odd pair. Against Midoriya, this will be a tough one.

With that, we went off to ground Beta.


1182 Words

I had fun with this chapter! Hope you like it.

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