Getting Back Up Again

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The next morning, I woke up in my uncle's chair, to the sound of Uncle Mic waking me up with his quirk. I panicked and dashed to my room to change. I realized I forgot to wash my uniform so I was going to have to wear my backup. It was a tiny bit too small but at least the jacket was the right size. I could always ask Auntie Midnight to if I can get a spare that fits. Or if I'm lucky I will be able to wear my gym uniform today. I got dressed and dashed out of the door with Uncle Mic. Thank God he came by early. Uncle's gonna be pissed if I'm late. I took my duffle and backpack and darted out the door. Uncle Mic had ordered a car, thank goodness, I did not want to have to run. We arrive at the campus and I bolted to my classroom. Most everyone was seated. Silence overtook the room as I walked in. Everyone had their eyes on me. Was it my hair? "Hey everyone!" I said and put my head down and walked to my seat. They all turned to me and cheered. "I can't believe you fought the villains like that! So hardcore! You saved Aizawa Sensei!" They all gave me hugs and acknowledged me. I thanked them for their praise and praised them as well.

Momo came to my desk and handed me a bag. "When you came in I saw the bruise, I know you don't wear makeup so I whipped this up. I hope I got your shade right." I unzipped the bag and saw foundation, a beauty sponge, and a mirror.

I stood up and walked over to Momo. I gave her a huge hug. "Will you help me put it on? I cant see the back." I said with a smile. All the girls heard and clamored over to my desk. Momo made a few more sponges and they all helped me cover the handprint on my neck with a smile. I never felt so seen in my life. This is nice.

I was seated in my desk when uncle came in covered in bandages but walking. "The UA Sports Festival is coming up in two weeks, it's pertinent that you all focus on your training. This is a big way to be scouted for your internships. Everyone will be watching the class that survived a villain attack." With that, we began class as normal.

Later, I wanted to go to Gym Gamma to train. I needed to hit something, soon. As I was walking out of the classroom I was swarmed by a crowd of students. They were clamoring as Tenya asked why they were here. Suddenly a boy with purple messy hair began to speak. "We came to see what all the whooplah was about. You see those of us in general studies can test into the hero course via the sports festival. But if we make it in one of you has to be removed. If you're not careful, I'll take your spot right from under you." He and Bakugo began to have a heated exchange.

The crowd of people began to yell at all of us for his attitude. "Move out of my way you're all just some damn extras anyway. Enjoy looking at a future Pro-Hero." He shoved his way through the crowd. He was so nice literally twelve hours ago. I will never understand him.

We finally busted out and we were all talking about the festival. Deku was going on about how he needed to gain control of his quirk. Truly, he can't keep breaking bones, it looks bad. I thought to myself. Uraraka told us about her family's money problems. She had real reasons for being here. Not some fantasy of grandeur. I liked her more each time she spoke. Tenya was talking about living up to his brother's name. They looked at me and asked me why I wanted to be a hero. To be honest, I wasn't really sure how to tell them. "I lost my parents to hero work. I want to be such a great hero that I rescue and battle at the same time. No casualties." That was mostly true. But my intentions were 100% truth. They said nothing. Only Uraraka who gave me a hug, then they all did. "Sorry was that too much?" I said with a chuckle.

Out of nowhere, All Might peeked over and asked Deku to join him to eat lunch. Probably a thank you, I heard he helped him at the end of the USJ attack. I sat down and quickly ate and excused myself. I grabbed my things and headed for auntie Nemuri's office she was known better to most as Midnight the R-Rated hero to me she was just my promiscuous auntie. Her door was open and she was just doing some paperwork. I sat down and cleared my throat finally showing her my presence. She laughed "I'm glad to see you're feeling better Mitsu, what can I do for my favorite little niece?" The door is still open. "Shhhh, Auntie!" I whispered. I stood up and closed the door.

"I have a few questions, first, I need another skirt. This one is too short I'm uncomfortable. Do you have any spares?" She giggled and nodded. She opened her cabinet and handed me a proper fitting skirt. "You know, when I was your age, I loved having my skin out! I was more confident that way," she said.

"But Auntie, that's because of your quirk and your love of being... in the buff. Do you mind if I change here?" She nodded and I changed while we talked. "Auntie, I'm nervous for the sports festival. What if I'm not good enough? My quirk isn't that flashy. It freaks people out when I have to use it on people. What if there are no objects for me to use my quirk on?"

"Mitsu, you have to work hard and trust your abilities. Your quirk is plenty flashy. All you have to do is have confidence in yourself. You'll be fine. You fought villains head-on, a couple of people from school is nothing." She said with confidence.

"But I lost to the villains. I was almost killed, Twice." I said sharply. "Mitsu, you'll be fine."

I needed that last bit of encouragement. Ever since the USJ I felt helpless. "One last thing Auntie, can you sign this form to let me train in Gym Gamma tonight?" I batted my eyes and handed her the form. She rolled her eyes and signed it. "You better hurry, Nezu has meetings after lunch today. You need to give that to him ASAP." she said.

"Thank you!" I dashed off to the principal's office. When I got there I knocked on the door and was allowed in. He was seated at his desk with a cup of tea. There was a detective sitting across from him. "Ah, Miss Teruhashi, please come in. I was just about to summon you." Summon me? For? I nodded and entered. "What can I help you with?" he asked.

"Well, I brought this form of permission to stay after class today and train in Gym Gamma if that's alright. Midnight signed it already for me." I took out the paper and handed it to Nezu. he took it and stamped it with approval.

"What can I help you with?" I asked hesitantly.

"This here is detective Tsukauchi from the police department. You are the only student not to give a statement so far." I sat down next to him. He introduced himself and he was very nice. I told him what I remembered and I told him about the bruise on my neck. How it only had four fingers. I told him about the villain's quirk and how he threatened my quirk. "if you don't mind, may I see the bruise?" He asked gently. I nodded and grabbed a wipe from my bag. I cleared off the foundation and he looked shocked. "It's healed I just have to wait out the surface level trauma from the marking," I said. He took pictures for evidence and thanked me. I took out my foundation and began to apply it as best I could. Then, I was thanked and excused from the room. It was time to go to class again.

I went back to class and had the girls touch up the foundation. They gleefully helped and we sat down for class. After four long boring classes later the bell rang. Finally. I just want to train. I headed to the gym.

I stopped by the locker room to change and brought out some boxing equipment. I should have asked someone to spar. But then they would know my moves. I need to keep it to myself until the festival. I'm going to do my best to win. I began to practice hitting and boxing going as hard as I could. I worked on the speed of my quirk application. If I could keep a calm head I could freeze certain parts of my body and used other portions of my body to keep them moving and implicate the force rule. It was a new technique I learned recently. I only ever used it a few times for combat. I mostly used this to jump or travel faster. It was extremely difficult.

Deep breaths. I focused freezing just my fingers and knuckles. Then I used my palm and arm to push my finger forwards hard. I then unfroze my hand altogether. I made contact with the punching bag, I sent it flying across the gym. Holy Shit that worked. The only issue is that took a ton of work and I couldn't do that very fast. Maybe if I keep trying harder and harder I can get it down. I stayed there for the next three hours. The sun was setting and my allotted time was up. I checked the time. It was almost seven.

On the way home I put in headphones and decided to make a run for it. Gotta work on my running speed too. I jogged in place to warm up then I started to sprint. As I ran I felt calm and peaceful. I took in a breath of the air. There was no one around me either. On the way, I bumped into someone. Man, I really need to watch where I'm going. This happens too often. I looked up to see Tenya and Tensei out for a stroll. I was greeted first by Tensei "Little Hachimitsu! I'd recognize those eyes anywhere!" He gave me a big hug. "We were just talking about you!" I saw Tenya start to blush.

"Oh were you now? Only good things I hope!" I said cheerfully.


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