Welcome to Tokyo!

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You and Kakyoin are in the backseats of the car because Seiki thinks it's better for you two to sit together so you could get to know Kakyoin better.

Seiki:"So Alana, where are you from?"

Alana:"I'm from Singapore."

Seiki:"Wow that must have been a long flight all the way up to Japan wasn't it?"

Alana:"Yea but I slept the whole flight."

Seiki:"Oh! Speaking of sleeping you don't mind sleeping with Kakyoin? We are working on your room and it's still under construction."

You look at Kakyoin and blush. He does the same thing.

Alana:"I don't mind it at all."

Seiki:"Okay. One question, you don't sleep naked right?"

You turn a bright red. Next to you, you can feel the warmth of Kakyoin as he also turns red.

Alana:"O-of course not eheh."

Seiki:"Okay because that would be really awkward for Kakyoin, he's never had a girlfriend before so he wouldn't know how to feel."

Kakyoin:" M-MOM!!"

Seiki:"What, I'm just saying that so Alana would know she would be your first."

You become speechless. Finally you guys arrive at Kakyoin's home. You take of your shoes when you enter the home and Seiki carries your things to Kakyoin's room. Seiki helps you unpack your things and puts them in drawers, while unpacking your things you realize you forgot to pack your pajamas.



Seiki:"What's wrong Alana?"

Alana:"I forgot to pack my pajamas.."

Seiki:"That's alright, you can wear Kakyoin's pajamas!"

Kakyoin walks in the room just as Seiki said that and turns red.

Seiki:"Oh Kakyoin! I was wondering if Alana could wear your pajama's because she forgot hers?"

Kakyoin:"Yea that's fine, they might be baggy on you though."

You giggle then blush a bit. Seiki puts the rest of your clothes in the drawer and tells you that dinner will be ready soon so you should change out of your uniform. She tells Kakyoin the same thing. You change into a pair of jeans and your favorite cherry shirt and socks, and because you were already starting to match you put in your cherry earrings. You go down stairs to see Seiki setting the table and Kakyoin already sitting down, he looks up at you and turns red. You sit down next to Kakyoin while Seiki serves the both of you, then she serves herself and takes a seat.

Seiki:"So Alana, do you have a nickname people call you?"

Alana:"Yea my friends and relatives call me Lana."

Seiki:"Oh that's nice, we call Kakyoin cherry sometimes because it was his first word and their his favorite fruit!"

Kakyoin:"Yea, I even have earrings that are cherries."

Alana:"Me to! Cherries are also my favorite fruit!"

You all laugh and talk the rest of the night until it's time to go to sleep, Kakyoin gives you a pair of his pajamas. You walk out of the washroom in his pajamas, they aren't as baggy as you thought they were gonna be. But you crawl into bed next to Kakyoin, you blush.



You feel something wrapped around you so you try to turn around, you see Kakyoin's arm wrapped around you, you turn so red you can feel your face burning up. So try to go back to sleep. You wake up to yours and Kakyoin's alarm going off you and Kakyoin get ready for school. Luckily, Seiki had bought you uniform clothes so you didn't have to. Seiki gives you your bento and hands you your bag. You and Kakyoin walk to school together. Once you get there, everyone in the courtyard stares at you and Kakyoin. You can make out some of the whispers people are saying.


Girl 1:"Who is that girl?"

Girl 2:" I don't know, might be his sister."

Boy 1:"No, it has to be his girlfriend, they look nothing alike."

You and Kakyoin just keep walking together to class. In class the teacher calls you up so you can introduce yourself.

Teacher:"Class, this is our new transfer student Ishida Alana. If there are any questions you want to ask her, please state your name and ask now."

Student 1:"Hi I'm Koto Akane, are you and Kakyoin dating? Because I saw you walk with him and he really doesn't talk to people."

You turn red.

Alana:"N-no, I transferred from Singapore and I'm living with him for the time being."

Akane:"Oooh okay."

Teacher:"Anyone else?"

A boy in the back of the class giggles and then raises his hand.

Student 2:"Ren Haruki, if you had to pick, would you smash Kakyoin or Jotaro?"

Haruki points to a boy in the middle row, you  can't really see him because his hat is covering him but you can tell he's embarrassed.

Teacher:"Y-you don't have to answer that question Alana."

A bunch of other kids ask questions about you and your relationship life. Then the bell rings which means it's lunch, you and Kakyoin walk to the cherry blossom trees in the courtyard and sit down and talk. After that you two head back to class and wait till it ends and you have to leave school grounds.


Kakyoin:"So where do you wanna go? I saw a really good mochi stand if you wanna go there."

Alana:"Sure, let's go."

You and Kakyoin go to the mochi stand by taking the train. Kakyoin tries to be as close as possibly to you so creeps don't try to touch you. But you feel something touching your thigh you look and it's not Kakyoin's hand, your panicking quietly and you go to Kakyoin's ear.

Alana:"Someone is touching my leg.."

Kakyoin:"This might be weird but it'll help okay?"


Kakyoin reaches down your thigh, you turn red and start burning up. Then you feel the creep's hand release your thigh. Kakyoin grabs your waist so people don't mess you again. You lightly rest your head on Kakyoin's arm until you guys make it to your stop. Then you get your mochi and bring some for Seiki. You both decide to walk home because it's close from there.

 You both decide to walk home because it's close from there

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