I Never Knew This Would Happen...

494 8 13

You and Kakyoin get home form your mochi run and hand Seiki the mochi you bought her. She thanks you two and you and Kakyoin both go upstairs and change you of uniform. You lay down in the bed, Kakyoin comes out of the bathroom changed. You stand up.


Alana:"Thanks for taking care of that creep."

Kakyoin:"No problem, it had to be done."

You look into his beautiful lavender eyes and before you could say another word, Kakyoin grabs you and passionately kisses you. You start blushing, but you kiss him back. You both end up on the bed making out. But then you hear Seiki call you both down for dinner. You both get up and go downstairs, both not realizing your hair is messy.

Seiki:"You guys must have had a fun time upstairs with messy hair like that."

You and Kakyoin blush.

Kakyoin:"W-we didn't get to fix our hair because you called us down right after we changed heh."


Seiki:"Ookay whatever you say...Lovebirds.."

You and Kakyoin both burn up in awkwardness while Seiki giggles. Once you all finish you go upstairs and use the washroom while Kakyoin and Seiki talk.

Seiki:"So when are you gonna ask out Lana?"

Kakyoin:"U-uh I don't know..But soon.."

Seiki:"Hehe I hope so, you guys would be a really cute couple."

Seiki and Kakyoin go upstairs to their rooms as you walk to Kakyoin's room. You both  lay down in bed holding each other. But you feel something poking your back. Then you realize what's poking you and you blush.

Alana:"K-Kakyoin..Your..It's poking me...

Kakyoin:"A-ah I'm s-sorry.."

Alana:"It's fine..here lemme help you.."

You slide your hand down Kakyoin's pants and start to slowly caress his d*ck you look up at him and he's turning bright red. He starts kissing your neck and you let out a soft moan.


You feel Kakyoin's hand slide under your panties and inside you. You start softly moaning more.



You feel something warm and sticky on your hands but Kakyoin pulls you in and starts kissing you again. Then you both fall asleep. You wake up, you still have semen in your hands from last night, you to go the washroom to clean it off and walk back to the room. Kakyoin wakes up and smiles at you.

Alana:"Morning Kakyoin."

Kakyoin:"Morning Alana."

Because it's the weekend now and you guys have a few days off you both change out of your pajamas and throw them in the laundry bin. Kakyoin walks up to you and kisses you on the head.

Kakyoin:"So, are we together now after last night?"

Alana:"I guess so if you want to."

Kakyoin picks you up and kisses you again. Because of your really short height your feet are completely off the ground. Seiki calls you down for breakfast.

Seiki:"So, how's living in Japan so far Lana?"

Alana:"It's really nice, I wanna visit Tokyo at night so I could see the lights and take some photos."

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