"Love isn't a coincidence it's a destiny"
They say
"Accept the things to which fate binds you, and love the people with whom fate brings you together, but do so with all your heart." My fate kept getting worse and I'm gonna change it - Jungkook
Attention!The princes of Qing ,Yilling,Jintanlai and Min are arriving to the Main Courtesy.
Yang's pov(king of Qing): Welcome dear princes you have worked hard you must be tired. Please do rest today in our palace.
Chang's pov(king of Yiling): Prince Hwang I heard that you took the responsibility of the hunting,you did great!
Hwang's pov : Majesty me being the eldest amongst them I had to take the responsibility but all the credit goes to the youngest group that is Jungkook, Wang, Jimin and Xiao. But Prince Xiao played an important role. It's because of him we won.
Namjoon's pov: Yes your Majesty if prince Xiao wasn't there we would have lost.
Kim's pov(king of Jintanlai): That's great!Prince Xiao I would like to give you a part of my territory. Please accept.
Chang's pov: No Kim,Its okay my son can't have your territory you are my best friend let's make it up with a great meal!
Xiao's pov: Yes your Majesty I don't need a territory..I'm happy with my kingdom.
Min's pov(king of Ming): Everyone attention here I would like to make an announcement..'These days I was in search of a man who is suitable to be a great husband for my last son Jimin. So I found him finally. I want to Announce my son Jimin's marriage is going to be held soon.I want this news to be announced from North to the south and east to the west and to every dynasties.
Xiao's pov: Prince Wang maybe Jungkook is the lucky prince who is going to marry Jimin. What do you think?
Wang's pov: Even I think so. They both look great together.
Chang's pov: Min who is that lucky prince though?
Min's pov: It's a secret by today evening you will come to know. ----------------------------------------- Jimin's pov : But Brother Xiao how can your sure that I'm gonna marry prince Jungkook.My Father didn't even ask me my permission whether I'm happy with his decision or not!
Wang's pov: Don't worry prince everything will be fine.
Taehyung's pov: Jiminie have courage, I can't see my best friend being so worried!
Jimin's pov : Fine then. Let's see what happens! -------------------------------------------- Evening .
Attention everyone King Min with the prince of Han is heading to the Main Courtesy!!!
Yang's pov: Prince of Han one of the greatest dynasties besides Ming Chao. I'll be glad to meet him.
Chang's pov: What's he doing here?
Xiao's pov: Thank God I came on time,Prince Wang whats going on?
Wang's pov: Prince Xiao the price of Han is here!
Min's pov: Good evening to one and all present in the Main Courtesy of 'The Qing' I would thank my friend Yang for letting me to make a marriage deal in his Courtesy !
Yang's pov: It's fine we are family Min not only the deal but the marriage of Prince Jimin will also be held in my Kingdom. Please continue .
Min's pov: I would introduce you all to the Prince whom I selected to be the husband to my Son last Jimin. Yuan come in!
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(' Yuan ' The prince of Han Dynasty. Known for his Beauty, His instrumental skills especially his flute,Honest towards his dynasty. )
Yuan's pov: I greet to everyone present here.Father has sent these gifts to you all four kings please do accept.
Min's pov: This is Yuan Prince of Han and soon to be my Son-in-law.
Xiao's pov: What the hell! But Jungkook....Jimin are you okay you.. Seemed to space out..
Jimin's pov: I'm fine Brother just feeling weird... Where is Jungkook?! I.. I need to speak to him right now!
Hoseok's pov: Wait.. I thought Jungkook was the one Father choose!
Namjoon's pov: What do you mean Hoseok?!
Yoongi's pov: Jimin likes Jungkook even Father knew about this but I don't understand what father wants to do?!
Wang's pov: Prince Jimin Jungkook is in his Chamber I'll make sure no one sees you Xiao help him to leave I'll handle here.
Taehyung's pov: Prince Wang even I'm with you. Jiminie go to Jungkook. Prince Xiao please take care of him! -------------------------------------------------------- Thank you💜💜💙💜💜 Song Recommendation: Chocolate - Max(TVXQ)